
Why can't gaming systems just use real dollars and store your credit card information? Are people not comfortable using credit card numbers, or is it because the gaming companies don't want to exclude kids that don't have their own credit cards? Or are they trying to con people into pre-buying points they'll never

One of the main reasons I didn't upgrade to the iPhone 4 was that the camera boost wasn't that big of a draw- I love my Canon point and shoot too much. But it's 2011 and I'm still carrying 3 things in my jeans pockets all the time- my iPhone, my Canon, and my wallet. I've heard the digital wallet rumors, and should

would be hot to see these shots through a stereoscope

Who will provide email service to the fat, older men? Won't someone think of the old fat men?

True true. You have to wonder, if you gave Steve Jobs a time machine, if he wouldn't go back to 2001 and give iTunes a less music-centric name. But then again, would something like "iMedia" have ever caught on? Probably not.

Maybe it's a personal preference, but this seems like a fairly small victory to me. I think there are a lot of things about home sharing that they could be putting energy into besides updating play counts.

Forget the theater, I just want that home. From the looks of the view I'd say it's on Kamehame Ridge above Hawaii Kai. I would give my left foot to own a house in that neighborhood.

It's a chunk error.

@rashad123us: YEAH! I would have never noticed that detail if you didnt mention it.

But is the software good enough to produce studio-quality tracks? I actually don't know the answer to this; my Garageband experience is limited to toying with the OSX version. You can have great quality input, but you'd also need the interface of the iPad-version Garageband to be really precise, and of course you'd

Why is there no way to expand a lot of the lead images anymore? The text along the x-axis is cut off in my browser view. #corrections


Hummm...Id guess not eh?

Ill stick with my made in the USA New Balance thank you.

The bottom right corner looks a little fucked up, and judging from the other source images the camera hole on the back looks stretched, and there's a huge screw next to the wi-fi thing. Seems awkward, maybe this isn't real.

my pc has been asking me to update for the last 2 days, but i just keep on postponing for 4 more hours.

When I plug "Hannibal Gaddafi" into google images a lot of pictures of Hannibal Lecter pop up (including one of Hannibal Gaddafi in a Hannibal Lector mask) but a lot (a whole lot) of pictures of Beyonce Knowles also pop up.

That looks pretty good to me. Make this technology cross-platform and I'd gladly have a photo-realistic Mii for MarioKart.