old Shuck ate bob_d

So he’s putting the sexism label on so he can basically moan about “SJWs” and the like given his comments.

“I might be naive but I’m going into this assuming that the large majority of people involved in the games industry are good actors. They want game developers to be successful, they want to make amazing games.”

The Church of Force.

“I can sort of understand where they’re coming from - that a comic is obscure isn’t, by itself, a fatal flaw - most of Marvel’s line-up wasn’t too well known, and Guardian of the Galaxy, for example, was pretty obscure.”

Their new motto: “Quantity. Just... quantity.”

It does seem like a pretty horrible business plan. Let’s pay big money for the rights to characters that aren’t very well known even inside of comic book nerd circles. Unless you were just buying a load of comic books in the brief window of publication then you aren’t going to have a clue who any of the characters are.

Oh sure, some may laugh at the Extreme universe, but I’ll have you know it’s produced some great characters, like Youngblood, Bloodstrike, Bloodpack, BloodForce, Team Blood, The Blood Guys, A Big Kiddie Pool Full of Blood, Bloodo the Blood Dog, Bloodweiser, BloodSquad, A Used Tampon, X-Blood, The Blooder Business

Shout out to the Gamergate kiddies who helped elect Trump because they thought the other side were the ones who wanted to censor video games.

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

Trump has personally caused more real world violence then anything shown in that video.

I drink and take meds and I haven’t gone off the rails like this. I think rails were his problem.

This dude is drunker than Melania was when Barron was conceived.

Followed by every expert of economics raising their hand. But he didn’t consult any of them, did he? Why talk with someone who has an advanced degree and years of experience when you can just talk out of your ass instead? That’s this administration’s motto, btw

A guy on Chis Hayes last night explained that there are more people working in building cars that rely on steel imports than there are people who make steel. This trade war will inevitably lead to job loss. As painful as it is for coal miners, steel workers, IT professionals, etc in the US, there is no such thing as

Theoretically, I think anyone from the comics should be ok - that covered Terror, but also (off the top of my head) Thrakkorzorg, Man-Eating Cow, Chairface, Fishboy Lost Prince of Atlantis, the Red Scare, Barry, The Civic-Minded Five (though not necessarily the cartoon lineup), and some others.

This screams publicity stunt to me, he knows it will never get through congress and even if the did he will threaten to veto. AKA, same as DACA.

Yeah. On one hand I am for Artistic freedom. I don’t like the idea on how people should write their stories (they need more of this race, or that race). I am also a large fan in movies of getting more capable actors even if race doesn’t always line up (like not being able to find a Black/Latino mix South American


I think I understand what Millar meant but may have articulated poorly. The movie characters may not have “secret” identities, but they do have dual identities. Millar is, I believe, asserting that DCEU puts the hero first and the human second, whereas MCU either puts the human first, or shoves the conflict between

“Today’s tax reform proposal will energize tech sector innovation and economic opportunity. For the $30.4 billion US video game industry, which employs more than 220,000 people all across the United States, the pro-growth policies introduced will incentivize greater US investment and more high-quality American jobs.”