old Shuck ate bob_d

Pitch meeting at SyFy 2 years ago:

Yup, that’s the theory: the whole show was a contractual obligation and they wrote it as a lost before production even began. That is why they hired a director that could shoot fast and cheaply. Of course, they have a reputation to maintain, so they can’t just come out and say that - they’ll make it seems like a

The prevailing theory is yhat the deal Feigue made with Perlmutter - to make a Inhumans movie if Perlmutter accepted to let Marvel Studios make a Captain Marvel movie - was somehow legally binding. So Marvel had to put out a feature lenght theatrical release of Inhumans, even if Feigue had succesfully removedit from

I can imagine coming out of the theater with my vision all blurry, like I’d tried to wear someone else’s prescription glasses. There’s just not that much to see on that show. I bet Hawaii looked slightly prettier in the format.

Most network TV cancellations don’t happen until May, when the network has to either cancel the show or order another season. Shows may get pulled from the schedule or have their episode order cut — at that point, it’s pretty rare for the show to get renewed but it’s not cancelled, but the network is still keeping the

I watched the first two on the DVR and felt deeply sorry for anyone who paid twenty bucks to see them in IMAX.

It’s studio politics. Disney has the final word and they may want to placate Ike Perlmutter and let him have it. After all he is the only reason Inhumans existed in the first place and he might still have enough clout to push it on ABC after all. But I think it was bad enough even he can’t keep it afloat.

I think the Patrick Bergin version was the best as to the character, as Robin is also clever and a trickster. The rest of the movie is kinda meh.

“Remember the Errol Flynn movie? Wasn’t that great fun? Let’s not do any of that. Also, let’s make sure the casting is really terrible and put in some random, inappropriate Americans.”

I wonder this too. Why is it so hard to make a non-shitty Robin Hood movie? It’s one of the most beloved stories in the Western canon. Underdogs! How do you fuck that up?

I watched the trailer and wanted to hand Gleeson a shotgun to just get it over with.

It’s a small hill I repeatedly die on, but I do want to inform you about the proper use of “High-Concept”. Often misunderstood (understandably) to mean “smart” “high minded”. In reality it means a film that is all concept. Something that can be totally understood in one sentence. And “Bright” is maybe the best example

Haha, I know, I was joking. Bunnies and humans together sounds creepy.

Why not? Bestiality is fun!

Bee Movie just opened the door.

Thank you for reminding me of this, because I read it, said what the hell, then read the rest of the list. Seriously...WHAT?!

It’d be nice to see the general population demilitarized as well.

At least someone wants to take it seriously, for once:

The police erroneously believe that they only kill “bad guys” and if an innocent person was SWATted the officers could never mistakenly kill them

Then the police would have to admit they’re out here murdering all the time and cannot be trusted with their trigger happy tactics.