old Shuck ate bob_d

Not only would it easily hold the full catalog (2600 games only took up between 2 and 32k each), this won’t even be the full catalog. It’s going to be games actually developed by Atari (to which they have the rights). Most of the best games were by 3rd party publishers, making this a relatively small list of mostly

Sorry, but River Raid, Pitfall and Pitfall II, Yars Revenge, Adventure, Demon Attack, H.E.R.O. Frogger, Megamania, Warlords, and Ms Pac Man all disagree with you.

“they should be hashing locally on the device and only sending the hash”

“then deletes the photo within seven days”

I do like the “this random cosplayer looks more like the character!” when the “random” cosplayer is basically the one guy, of everyone in the world who has ever had their picture taken as the character (having only cosplayed in the first place because they felt they could do a credible likeness), who looks most like

“The costume is terrible, as you can see from this set photo, taken a block away from a moving car. Oh wait, that’s actually a key grip.”

“The texture’s all wrong - it looks too much like spandex!”

Yeah, it’s absolutely true that concept art doesn’t necessarily have any relation to the final product, and game designs can evolve - sometimes radically. I’m just saying, even if neither of those things were true - even if concept art was perfectly reflected in the final product and game designs never changed from

In this case having knowledge of game development doesn’t even help - with descriptions this short and vague, all we can possibly evaluate are our own imaginings, sparked by the sentence and concept art. It’s impossible for anyone’s ideas of these games to be the same as what the team would have come up with,

“A message to game developers..... STOP CHASING FADS.”

“Player exceptations are a fairy tale”

“This guy I think does a good job in explaining how that isn’t entirely the case.”

“have you ever considered that they just spend more than they need to?”

You don’t think they’re trying to be efficient? They are. That’s the price with every possible cost saving already built in. $35 million is for advertising and marketing. Again, it’s actually low. (A $100 million Hollywood movie would have another $50 million spent on marketing, at least.) There’s a direct

“they have to sell around 4.5 million copies making around $30 copy”

Yeah, I’m not finding the suggestion very convincing, either. The comparison with the movie industry isn’t much help, because some games are far more transparent than movies are, and that doesn’t help the toxicity of the responses. And if the argument is that if all games were more transparent, gamers would be

I guess the argument (that’s not explicitly being made) is that gamers have especially toxic responses because only some developers are transparent, but if all developers were transparent, gamer responses would magically change to be better. I don’t buy it - for one thing, not all the movie industry is that

That seems kind of strange, especially given how, post-Milk Wars, some of the series sort of rebooted in ways that didn’t feel very organic - like someone felt the series weren’t working and needed a shake-up going forward (and this threw existing stories off track or caused them to be entirely abandoned). Mother

“your site’s (tacit) endorsement”

“We’re suing their journalists,” he said.