“Murder requires intent.”
“Murder requires intent.”
“The police erroneously believe that they only kill “bad guys””
Nah. If someone dies during the commission of a felony, anyone involved in that crime can be charged with murder regardless of their intent or involvement with the death - even if, for example, the person was driving a robbery getaway vehicle, even if they didn’t know the others were armed (and even if the death was…
Yeah, the unwillingness to admit that the police are dangerous to the general population has helped prevent swatting from being treated with the seriousness it’s deserved.
I really hope she gets elected.
Except that, A) the death was the direct result of his illegal action (that alone, even when very indirectly, can get people charged with murder), and B) this was a planned deliberate act. He’s screwed.
Yeah, it sounds like the intended target gave the swatter a wrong address -the victim’s, some random guy unconnected to what was going on.
Especially since legally, he’s guilty of murder. He can try to distance himself all he wants, but he’s admitting he deliberately engineered a situation with the intent of putting someone’s life in danger that resulted in someone getting killed; people are routinely charged with murder for fairly tenuous connections…
Yup, in a nutshell. I’m really surprised it hasn’t been standard response to swatting to charge people with attempted murder, but I guess so long as the cops themselves aren’t being put in danger, police and prosecutors couldn’t be bothered. Maybe this will get the ball rolling for serious charges for anyone…
Nothing less than murder charges make sense here. They really should have been charging people with attempted murder for previous swatting incidents.
Yeah, I want to see the trigger-happy cop face some sort of consequences. I want to see the person who made the call face murder charges. I want to see other swatting attempts treated as attempted murder. I’d also like to see 911 call infrastructure improved so it’s not so easy to fake emergency calls, and the…
I have no idea who any of these people are, nor do I know anything about the show - I was just momentarily confused while reading the headline and became greatly intrigued because I thought one of the cast of this reality show was an ex-Stasi agent. (Now that would really take reality television up a few notches.) …
It may not have been “true,” but it was definitely true. And that’s what people responded to.
Still in the comic, anyways...
“The Other Burning Man!”
“you’d think if he was this vain, he’d go in for implants”
“Donald Trump does not fully/at all understand the implications of his decision”
“Can this fucking asshole loser pile of actual shit pres. do one goddamn thing right?”
He got elected. Americans created a system where an ever-shrinking percentage of the electorate (which is increasingly composed of ignorant dumbfucks) gets to indirectly choose the president. That’s our fucked-up system, and we’ve got to own it - or change it.