old Shuck ate bob_d

“The medical costs are a fraction of total medical costs for active military members.”

“Hello Games may never be trusted again by the gaming community at large.”

There’s value in having a game in a physical store, though - there’s limited space, so some selection has taken place, and shoppers can find your game through simply browsing. That’s impossible in digital “stores” now - there’s no discovery there, so you have to drive traffic to the store yourself to get sales. At

I dunno. Reading that article, I kind of felt sorry for him, as all I could think was that the guy needs some serious mental health help, given that clearly he’s using work to avoid dealing with the real world. Although I think he was being partially flippant, which is pretty terrible. It’s not a joking matter -

As a consumer you might say that, but that’s not the issue at hand, which is indies selling games a sustainable prices. I’m pretty sure the pricing didn’t hurt Hello Games any, but quite the opposite. The problem is the reverse of overpricing - you have indies routinely producing games that get good reviews and

PizzaGate was definitely a continuation of the Satanic Panic (the Satanic element is still there, even), although mostly confined to a lunatic fringe. I’ve noticed that the new right wing conspiracy expands on that, believing that there’s a child-absuse ring at the heart of the “deep state” that can be used to

What was amazing to me is how many mental health professionals accepted it. You’d think that an ostensibly educated, rational person would never buy into that nonsense, but nope...

If one is tempted, any time one reads about some crazy Mediæval witch panic, to think, “We’re smarter and more rational now,” cases like this serve as a powerful reminder that we’re not. At all. The disturbing reality is that modern Americans will, en masse, buy into any crazy shit to the point where people end up

Oh, well then, apology accepted! Bygones! We’ll just happily ignore that it was a blatant example of the inequality that’s destroying America. So sorry for even mentioning the fact that hubby made his money ripping off poor people - so gauche of us! Pay no attention to what’s being built behind you!

“kept talking about how Trump needs to drain the swamp”

“Old entitled jackwagon decides to kill young female journalist and sink a million dollar boat because she wouldn’t have sex with him.”

The first thing I read had nothing beyond, “Sub sank, journalist missing.” Which sounded like it was an accident. Every single piece of information subsequently, however...

I think that was pretty clear when he claimed he had left her at the dock. Why he said that and still scuttled the sub (instead of just saying “oh no, the sub went down, she was still on it!”) is because obviously that was the crime scene and he was trying to dispose of the evidence while in a panic.

I’ve always thought being a male feminist was an accomplishment on par with “not being a serial killer,” myself. It’s a description of sort of a basic level of what should be expected belief/behavior that says nothing good about you if you are one, but says something terrible if you aren’t.

Sadly, being a feminist and being an asshole aren’t mutually exclusive.

The dynamics of game development and hardware production aren’t even comparable, though. Hardware goes down (when it goes down - there’s no guarantees) because of streamlined manufacturing processes, paying off the initial costs of building manufacturing infrastructure, etc. None of that is relevant or analogous.

Given that companies have been blocking Daesh-supporting groups from their services without any comment*, this shouldn’t even be worthy of a discussion either, really.

But that’s surely - at least in large part - due to expectations created by current pricing schemes? (For example, at this point, I can’t imagine paying anything like full price for any game - I have a big unplayed backlog and games that I bought and still haven’t played inevitably end up going on sale for almost

In this case more than half the honorees weren’t going to show up, with presenters presumably bowing out with them. But yeah, this is going to be the case going forward with any cultural events that aren’t explicitly made up of Trump-supporting reactionaries. And more than cultural events, too, I’m guessing, given

“I assume this was a strategic decision: his aides know the Dumps would be flat out booed if they had attended”