
Oh I can tell you, as someone who has a political philosophy that agitates both current American political parties, I’ll often garner ridiculous statements from nut job trolls looking for lulz on the left just as much on the right.

I more or less subscribe to this type of thinking about that. (The picture won’t

I love how you made it ambiguous enough to apply to both sides of the political spectrum. Because it’s absolutely true.

There’s some serious problems in today’s gaming world when we can’t just enjoy a game because it’s entertainment, and instead need to make it about politics. The majority of us play games to relax and escape the real world, not to get involved in all the political bullshit.

I have yet to see a congratulatory article about the success of this game. They want to write it off as only “angry white dudes” who bought thengame. Such a narrow minded viewpoint from a supposedly open-minded liberal.

This seems to be the recipe for all things that aren’t blatantly liberal. Basically the simplistic binary “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” attitude. they’re very open-minded though, just remember that.

Correct. There have been Black Europeans since “the very beginning”. That’s why places like St. Moritz are named after Black Christians. But you still know exactly what I mean when I use modern demographical terms to a very specific end, so it’s really shooting yourself in the foot. It’s perfectly acceptable to use

At least Nathan is honest about politics being the reason why there are so many snitty little pieces like this or the pathetic Eurogamer review. If this game were hewing to “acceptable” political views, then Kotaku would be tripping over itself in support of the game the same way io9 has been embarrassingly trying to

The article is hilarious in that it blames the game for portraying a Bohemian population having a bohemian-perspective view, and having the view of an invaded population towards their invaders. That the Cumans would be seen as reprehensible is completely and utterly unremarkable. They were invaders, they were

Why does everything have to be about politics? Specifically American politics... Does one have to be an American alt-right conservative to like the game? As for being flawed and buggy, hasn’t anyone here played a Bethesda game on launch? There will be patches that fix and improve the game, just give it time. Things

The game also frequently depicts Cumans, a Turkic nomadic group, as killers and savages. Other foreign (read: non-Czech) peoples, Hungarians and Germans, don’t fare much better. The game can be, in places, alarmingly careless and un-nuanced, but unfortunately, that’s par for the course in this genre.

I know it isn’t probable, but would you guys consider revisiting this piece to include statistical information about non-Europeans living in Europe at the time and how you think that should be approached?

This game wasn’t even on my radar.

I am much more interested in who started this fight, was it a random person asking if there would be black people in the game and had a douchebag response back then yes i would be outraged too.