How many assholes lost their burner key? See other HMAHWGOTSA

I noticed flames traveling up the side of the engines onto the first stage about 10 seconds before it exploded, I thought something was up, but they said everything was nominal at the moment. Then it just....evaporated. How far will this set SpaceX back? Do they have a backup of the docking port they were launching?

LOL yeah you go with what is state of the art during design and brace yourself for it :)

That’s no moon!

Just wait for the awesome that will happen when the James Webb Space Telescope finally comes online. It’s reflector is three times the size of Hubble’s.

This device never ceases to amaze me. The pictures are fantastic and the sheer number of things we’ve learned boggles my mind.

other examples far earlier than that

You were ahead of your time. LOL


I find it somewhat amusing that we can play a game where we murder people, and no one really bats an eyelash...but have some sexy time with a young (but mature!) virtual girl? OMFG!!!! Seriously, when is society going to accept that human sexuality (even when expressed virtually) is a NORMAL thing to do? Murder? Not

Nuclear power isn’t a problem in itself, it’s the idiots running that show that are the problem.

And Roy from Siegfriend and Roy being attacked by their white tiger, and most recently, Brazil losing the World Cup shamefully after having the star of its team injured. Those writers know something we don’t know...We must find out their secrets of future vision...

I’ll check Lycos to see if Angelfire or Geocities can host us. Wanna start a webring?

Yeah me and the Chickens...we’re keeping score mother-clucker.

The Simpsons tried to warn us...

Alright I’m finally convinced. I really wanted to name my next kid Vladimir but no more. I mean yeah there’s a few bad apples like Vlad Putin, and Vlad the Impaler. But Vlad the Apollo tape denier goes too far. Sorry little unborn Vlad. Up next..... Ivan?

I’ll bring the booze.

Ha I just posted regarding Pale Horse and you’re spot on regarding the near childishness of his views on sexuality and relationships, though much of that I think is era.

I stumbled upon this book when I was 13, at my school library. I was taking “Library” as a class because I transferred mid year and nothing else was available and I was merely a 9th grade nobody. So I spent an invisible year pushing a book cart and putting back torn up fashion and sport magazines. I had read a lot of