Just because you can calculate your lengths in 1/10th the time it takes us, we’ll keep our 23 5/8 - 27 3/16 thank you very much.
Just because you can calculate your lengths in 1/10th the time it takes us, we’ll keep our 23 5/8 - 27 3/16 thank you very much.
Does this mean UPS Overtime Day is Friday?
Does this mean UPS Overtime Day is Friday?
Why is that a trike and not a car? Imagine the rear wheels in front and it's almost kinda cool.
LOL the ‘Shart’. You know what they say: there's no replacement for displacement.
Agreed. I’ve got an early PS3. I need an excuse. I’m truly amazed it’s still humming along after nearly a decade. Actually, more like roaring along. The thing sounds like a 747 engine after 5 mins, and puts out nearly as much heat. But hey, high technology baby! 2006! Blu-ray!
Been there. Lots of sheet metal tap & sand. The trick to sheet metal is having good steel back plates. Also: make sure it’s sheet metal *before* you start, and not fiberglass.
Eh? I thought cubed. Must have heard wrong. The wheel makes sense if it's like a big gyroscope. Guts or suicide either way. I'm glad there are people (not me) who do this.
Wondering same. But even though drag resistance increases by ^3 (cubed) with speed, you probably don’t have enough road to let it slow. I had a car near 150mph once. You lift your foot and expect to slow down like you would at 70mph. And from 70 to 60mph you notice. But from 150 to 140... Not so much. You have to…
I was thinking same. And really her non-her art is pretty good!
The green arrow means: ‘Sunroof maker is ready’!
I knew it!
Aren't the turbine blades spinning backwards in the vid?