Getting out before the indictment, with all the cash he can carry/ bury offshore? I’d say it’s going exactly to plan.
Getting out before the indictment, with all the cash he can carry/ bury offshore? I’d say it’s going exactly to plan.
Racing stripes with a landau roof. There’s something you don’t see every day.
The 220 mph speedometer on the GT40 actually made me laugh.
I can only imagine how much that thing rattles.
It’s about as appealing as one, so why not?
Bump Day is about the last holdover from the old days that actually means anything. Fast guys get in, slow guys go home, just like it should be.
I bet if you zapped the screen with a MIG torch a couple times it’d be fixed permanently.
Why not? You could have some real fun with this. Beef up the 302, add some air shocks, N50 Pro-Tracs, Cragars, side pipes, some JC Whitney fog lights and you’d have a real 70's hot rod. You’d have the only one on your block for sure. When you get bored, yank out the 302 and junk the body.
We won’t get into the fact that it was rear-center fuel filler that caused the early Pintos to leak gas in an accident and potentially go up in flames.
Haven’t they suffered enough?
Sounds like they got the latest Kinja update.
Sure, if “only” 30,000 people died in autonomous cars, they’d be safer than human drivers. But it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Yui: Your Plastic Pal Who’s Fun To Be With.
Confused in Cleveland asks:
The condenser is $160, but finding someone to do an R12 recharge or a 134a conversion adds to that considerably. Just a 134 recharge is gonna be more than $200, if it’s already been changed over.
I’m still wearing the Ray-Bans I bought in 1988. You save money in the long run.
Yeah, we didn’t have stupid little screens that took up all our attention back then.
The modern equivalent is the dashboard-mounted iPad that every new car comes with.
Well, the good news is that they can’t build any cars they won’t sell, thanks to the strike. Maybe GM’s strategy is to prolong the strike til the leftover 2019 models are gone, and gear up for the 2022 models.
I’ve never heard valve stems referred to as “tire nozzles” before.