
I had a subscription to What if...? in the early 90's. It’s how I learned the history and minutiae of Marvel. This is such a great idea. Almost as good an idea of a Damage Control show starring a fully 4th wall breaking She-Hulk (copyright me right now, ok? ok.)

Something about his music has always made this seem inevitable, weirdly. Like the persona that is the protagonist of his songs seems like this kind of guy - desperately insecure, self-loathing, which is easy then to turn on others. Obviously, we can’t ask our artists to be somehow better than the culture and society

My first thought was, ‘it doesn’t center on Moiraine,’ but the more I think about it, she is (obviously just to me) the only interesting person of the 13,000 characters Jordan created. And so approaching it with her as the center of the wheel (see what I did there?) Is an interesting way of adapting it. I’m sure

I just want to compliment you on this analysis. I thought I’d really worked to think deeply about the episode and you found new depths. Your Oedipus reference wasn’t gratuitous in the least. I (as an English teacher for a couple of decades) am constantly ascribing literary connections to things always assuming they’re

Not mad or anything, but I often find it frustrating when an article like this starts with a picture and then never mentions the person in the picture. It’s like, the picture hits my brain, and I think, ‘Who is that?’ and I kind of automatically expect the article to answer it for me, and then if it doesn’t, I’m

Now playing

Love David Bowie’s “I’m Waiting for the Man” and then found out it’s a Lou Reed cover. It might be my favorite song, so it must be my favorite cover.

How'd they make that pic? It doesn't match the larger pic. They are GODS OF PHOTOSHOP?!?!?!


Maybe this is already on here, but what happened to the hounds when Sansa and Reek were rescued? Did their handlers run off to get help? Why wouldn't they just release them into the fighting chaos? Reek says it's better freeze to death than be attacked by them.

Thoros of Myr brought him back…I've always wanted to see a flaming sword added to those hardcore matches…

Who cares that he ran the warehouse for these other movies?

But let's get Dr. Whovian with this…wait, look at who I'm talking to! Make it so!

Ah, good, but not enough!

Is this why…
there haven't been any new episodes of Sherlock with Martin Freeman as Watson? That show was high quality.

"a very Wong idea"
Weally? It didn't seem Wong to me at the time….

"a very Wong idea"
Weally? It didn't seem Wong to me at the time….

Sounds right to me. Though in my head, I've always thought of the coke thing as Steven's breakdown after a long career that never really got where he wanted it to. Maybe he was always using.

I'm with you on that. Tweedy's too oblique to have that song be about anything obvious.

I feel like Barenaked Ladies first album, "Gordon" had an inordinate amount of domestic abuse songs - "The Ribbons of the Flag," "Wrap Your Arms Around Me," - which seems odd since it's always seen as kind of a goofy album.

Quirky but lovable
I liked it a lot, but I didn't also find it compelling enough to make me watch it. I wonder if someone should just start producing TV shows to put directly on DVD. Who needs a network anyway?