No one backed off Bynes until she was actually hospitalized and diagnosed. Nothing I’ve seen from Banks seems to show that she’s mentally ill, just that she hates everyone but herself and thinks she will be given a pass (and is!).
Reminds me of the senior official to whom Akakiy, the poor protagonist of Gogol’s “The Overcoat,” goes to plead his case:
I couldn’t just pick a couple of examples. so I’m just going to recommend that all y’all go over to Twitter and do a search for #curryscentedbitch. Azaelia Banks is never gonna get those burn marks off her ass. 4 ril.
Please, please, please... if you’re in pain or in complete darkness...
Harvard likely couldn’t do that for many of the these clubs since (to my understanding) most get little to no money to begin with. That’s why they didn’t just directly try to force them to open up membership.
I hear you. This is how I’ve been looking at it. The policy doesn’t eliminate gender-specific clubs, it merely disassociates them from the university. This has the potential to neutralize the influence many of these discriminatory clubs had on campus, while still allowing women and other marginalized students to meet…
If you use your fandom as an excuse to attack people you’ve never met and who did nothing to you, you’re not a good person. And that goes especially for anyone who criticizes what I like. You’re all assholes and I hope you die.
Bootstraps? I thought it was to teach him to pull himself up by his nails.
Someone else already suggested reaching out to the local universities. I already sent an email :). I hope they respond
Is your son actually a cat and you haven’t noticed?
There is a world of difference between a non-optimal childhood and the sort of toxic parents we’re discussing here. On behalf of all of the children of the latter: Fuck. You.
Hawhawhaw, okay, random drive-by person putting the Idiot in Idiocracy: you certainly know me and my life circumstances well enough to make assumptive pronouncements about my childhood! How kind of you to spew in my direction; it was totally called-for, and perhaps even necessary for you to tell me what’s what when it…
If this was reddit, I’d have given you gold for this comment...
I laughed at this way harder than I should have. But then again if there's a hell my ticket's already bought, so.
C’mon, don’t you remember the parable of the Bad Samaritan??
Hey man, this dude was taking orders from God. GOD himself. Not his hippy-dippy son.
I once got denied service of alcohol in a restaurant because the waitress had seen me nursing earlier. It was the single most humiliating experience I have had as a grown adult. The waitress looked at me when I ordered (mind you, my humiliation makes me compelled to explain to y’all that I ordered ONE alcoholic…
How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.
Thanks for the link. I couldn’t listen to the discussion, but this definitely stood out. I’m not a mom, but damn this makes me want to hug mine and tell the world to fuck off