
I grew up in Fresno. The valley has a kind of charm in a dorthea-lang-photographs-the-apocalypse kind of way.

Footage of Tswift upon hearing the news.

This is actually the superior idea; God save us from the people who would actually check a box labelled “vegan Hipster” on a dating profile.


“interpretive dance by students from UC Santa Cruz”

Is Gavin McGinnes the guy from the “shitstained asshole” period of Vice (contrasted with the later extended coke zero commercial directed by spike jonze period)?

your kinks record > my kinks records.

Chrissy Tiegan probably gave up after twenty nine bananas.

Sorry, Kinks or bust.

So, um, you won’t ever stop then? I’m confused.

You, kind stranger, are doing the work my expired klonopin prescription was meant to. I—and my psychiatrist—salute you.

I’ve always thought the performative lasciviousness around sex toys was a little much, but the performative outrage is ridiculous and childish.

Just wait till a splinter church forms under patron saint, David Hume, and starts asking uncomfortable questions about causality.

So this guy just exchanged one smug belief for another? Cool.

It’s strange to me; as I get older (I’m thirty) I veer more and more to the left, but my reasoning gets less and less ‘liberal.’

That belt, specifically, looks like some forgotten medical device from the 1920s.

Someday I hope to be described as the favored return client of a celebrity divorce attorney.

I mean, what neighborhood is the Lamaze class in? Really the nerve of some people!

“You only need one book, the Bible (with a hole cut out of it for your gun)“

I’m sorry, but what,sort of socialist Utopia do you live in? Those children will have to go down to the gun show, pinky-swear they could pass a background check, and purchase their guns like everyone else.