
If we have to deal with stone-faced customs officers hunting through our luggage for the slightest trace that a foreign tree ever rustled its leaves in the vicinity of anything we own when we re-enter Australia, Johnny Depp can declare his bloody dogs. But no, he deliberately misled customs and that actually is

Yeah, there were definitely too many bland ballads and not enough vampires, ladder stunts and pirates, which would normally sadden me a lot. But somehow all that went out the window while I was racking up SMS costs at the crack of dawn, exercising my hard-won right to participate in Europe's annual attempt to

My weekend was EUROVISION.

"All was well."
- Harry Potter

It's a big wide world filled with a lot of awesome things. I've got my hands full already, and there's more coming out every day.

Thanks to my mother's idiosyncratic views on what made appropriate film viewing for her daughter and my general preference for TV and books over cinema, I missed the boat on a lot of films. Jurassic Park, all of the Terminator films, all of the Back to the Future films, basically all the Indiana Jones films,