My Evil Twin's Twin


Good. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. After all those wins, all those years, and all the good he has done for his community, this will now be his legacy. By his inaction he was complicit in allowing a monster to continue abusing children. I hope the subsequent victims sue Paterno and the other complicit

But will they cut cans?

Seriously? Elizabeth Warren is running for the Senate in Massachusetts and your remarks were a near verbatim quote from a speech she gave no more than a month ago. Her remarks made national headlines and were subsequently discussed ad nauseum by most of the talking heads on both sides of the aisle. Google it.

Do you have any basis to your argument beyond a quote from Elizabeth Warren? While her words may make a good sound byte and sound logical at first listen, deeper study would result in a different conclusion.

It's easy to blame the MPAA, the RIAA, and the lobbyists. However, at the end of the day they are merely working within the system we have in place. The true culprit is the system; more specifically the politicians that created it. I don't blame someone for taking advantage of a loophole. I blame the people who pass

You're absolutely right!

Each year manufacturers bid to develop/produce the next Nexus. They submit designs and specs to Google who then awards the best submission the Nexus name to attach to the product.

That statement sounded plausible back in 2007 when the first iPhone launched but history has since proved it ridiculous.

The ads say he doesn't "usually drink beer." However, they never say what he "usually drinks." Maybe he "usually drinks appletinis or cosmopolitans." If so, would you be so certain of your assessment?

Sales taxes vary from state to state and can even differ from county to county. For example, Delaware has no sales tax while California has a statewide 7.25% tax rate. However, certain counties in California have additional local sales taxes that in some cases bring the total tax rate to 9.75%, which I believe is the

Oh Shit! I once sent my wife to Staples to buy printer ink only to return it later because she bought the wrong stuff! I bet they put my name in their system too, leaving me out of luck for a Touchpad! Dang-it!

I feel sorry for her. In fact, I feel so sorry for her that I'd be willing to sell her this here neatly boxed up iPad for only $150.


Maybe Michael should simply take his own advice, sell, and give the money back to shareholders.

I want to empathize with the union but just can't in this case. While it takes gigantic balls to go on strike in a job market such as this I'll crack a smile if there are 45,000 new job postings beginning tomorrow. There are easily far more than 45,000 other people ready and willing to fill their shoes.

I'm more interested in cleaning up when I am finished than seeing who the key grip was in scene 3

You read the credits?

What would be more apropos is if the captain of the U.S. carrier asked the captain of the Chinese carrier to loan him the money for gas.

Yes. It is called Target Display Mode and it is as simple as plugging in the cable. I've done it with my MacBook Pro and also my wife's MacBook Air