My Evil Twin's Twin

Just the other day I was having a conversation with someone about the exact thing. I was lamenting the fact that seesaws are nearly extinct these days and it is all because of liability issues. It's nonsense; complete and utter nonsense. And, it is driving me nuts. I'm 35 years old and find myself sounding like a 75

What I like about this case is that the absurdity underscores the need to change IP law, including copyright. I don't claim to answer but I do know that contrary to popular opinion current IP laws hinder innovation rather than encourage it.

Some people would say that god put them there 6,000 years ago when he created the earth. Probably right before he created fake fossils and spread them about.

Aside from the fact that antitrust laws have largely hurt competition more than they have helped.... Nothing is stopping competitors from signing similar agreements with their suppliers.

You are looking in the wrong direction. It is government mandated fixed prices that keep sugar artificially high.

Did you forget the camera flash or did Photoshop crash on you before you could finish?

Whoa! Hurt? Really? If they were going to replace the songs on your current devices with 256K songs I'd agree. But, this is clearly not the case. It is also not mandatory to pay for the service. If people feel the convenience is worth $25 a year they will pay for it. If they don't they will pass. No harm no foul.

I shorted RIM last year when it was down to 62 and covered when it hit 50. I shorted it again at 45 and will be covering this week. It's been one of my surest bets and I could see them hitting 25 within fairly short order.

I'm calling bullshit on the Mozzee Nest reviews stating babies will end up on the floor. I suspect the reviews were written by people who were offended by the cost and looking to vent. I had a few of the Nest chairs in restaurants I used to own and it didn't happen even one time. Not once.

Because duct tape leaves both a sticky residue and red marks that invariably lead to uncomfortable interrogations by the Department of Children and Familes.

And now a word from our sponsors.

You blame is misdirected. Foreigners did not come in and "steal" anything. Did they get sweetheart deals? Absolutely! However, it was the Nigerian politicians and government officials that gave them these sweetheart deals; probably in exchange for kickbacks. Therefore, they should be the target of your ire.

However, it was under George W. Bush that the law banning incandescent bulbs was passed. And, the rationale of energy conservation was in response to our dependence on foreign oil, not global warming as your post implied. Of course, you know this because you are clearly far more knowledgeable than the rest of us when

Or, you could just knock and ask them to share. Lighten up. Most potheads I've ever met are usually quite obliging.

Perhaps these parents should have read Freakonomics.

I think your being overly sensitive. There was nothing offensive in his comment that I can see. He proposed a hypothesis. Nothing more, nothing less.

That doesn't make him an asshole. First of all, she wasn't a biological granddaughter. She was the stepdaughter of one of Warren's sons to whom he was married about 10 years. And, she broke a cardinal rule of the Buffet family by promoting herself and her work based on her family's last name rather than by trying to

I am not surprised in the least that Kyocera came up with this piece of fail. But, I am surprised that someone at Sprint thought it was innovative enough to warrant a special event.

@Kardster: Why not just wait until version 4 is announced and it will be even cheaper and more feature rich. Better yet, wait until version 5 or 6 comes out. Then, you'll really get the most bang for your buck!