My Evil Twin's Twin

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Other than the iPods, the Apple TV, and the Airport Extreme nothing is more than a year old. Everything else I upgrade every 1.5 - 2 years.

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: About 2 or 3 months ago. It is irrelevant now because without a working LCD the phone was worthless to me so I sold it on eBay, paid the ETF, and bought an EVO.

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Take advantage of you? Seriously?


If she felt life wasn't worth living before, imagine what life will be like now that people know her as the "Woman Who Tried to Kill Herself Nearly Kills Someone Else in the Process."

@sam4sb: VLC was removed from the AppStore at the request of the devs behind it.

@kitkatklub123: True. But, a clever developer will. And, if Apple doesn't approve it they'll put it up on Cydia. Then, after many months have gone by Apple will come out with something similar, call it Revolutionary and we'll all nod in agreement like sheep.

As a former owner of every generation of iPhone I made the switch to Android (HTC EVO) some time ago. Widgets, Swype, Navigation, and Voice-to-Text, are now "must haves" for me. And, I don't think I could ever go back to a 3.5" screen. However, aside from a number of Google's apps there is still a huge dearth of

@djdare: Do you think you'll be able to set up an ATM in a high traffic area for free? Whoever owns the "high traffic location" likely knows its value and will charge accordingly. Then, the banks are going to make sure get their share. Throw in insurance, claims, theft, etc... and you've got yourself a marginal

@funkotronic: You didn't tip the hooker? Or, did $10 include tip?

@Almightywhacko: Or go to the Android Market and download Loquendo TTS. "Susan" is the name of the voice and it is a lot better than the stock.

True Men Don't Kill Coyotes

I can see how you "could have" felt guilty. However, in publishing this article you have since plugged Breakside Brewery to thousands more people which will likely result in a few more patrons.

This reminds me of the saying "If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it..."

@salt_bagel: I could be wrong but my guess is he intended to write non-American. And, if that is the case, the context would be completely different.

Really? This is the first laptop? I'm impressed. I was expecting to see a Steampunk-like contraption that utilized punch cards.

@siwex80: Perhaps. But, considering their forays into mobile advertising and the changes to the iPhone T&C's allowing them to collect data, GPS info, and etc, it is clear they are trying to be as Google-like as they can.

@siwex80: R-i-i-i-i-g-g-h-t! Because Apple isn't trawling too.

My two cents: