My Evil Twin's Twin

This is perfect because I've been clamoring for cleaners utilizing higher quality water. With Replenish I can use the pods while also utilizing Fiji Water when I'm on a budget or Bling water when I'm a bit more flush.

@Norbs: I think you might be at the limit and understand completely. Between my wife and I we have an iMac, a Macbook Air, a MacBook Pro, an iPad, an HTPC running W7, and a server.

@Úlfur Kristjánsson: "Icelandic politicians are generally naive, technically incompetent, narrow minded, short-sighted, spineless and corrupt."

@Joe Stoner: Really? Is it that important to use an electronic device during take-off and landing that they should be devoting resources to figuring it out? It's a negligible part of the trip. What am I missing?

@geolemon: I'd put money down that the design changes are going to be very subtle. If the design is too different (and this includes the antenna) it would be an acknowledgement of bad design on iPhone 4. And, I think Steve is too much of an egomaniac for that.

@iDon't even: @iDon't even: I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. You do recall your so called "hardware perfectionist" knowingly released a phone with a flawed antenna design? Then, denied there was an issue until the chatter was too big to ignore.

@Unionhawk: Understood and agreed. My point is simply that some of the actions these organizations take to "combat piracy" only serve to antagonize people, making them more likely to engage in justifiable piracy. And, that is slippery slope to unjustifiable piracy.

@Unionhawk: I think most rational and intelligent people would agree with you. However, the position of organizations such as the RIAA and MPAA is that there is NO difference between the two. And this, I believe, exacerbates the problem. Tell people they can't do what they want with content they legally purchased only

Just as importantly, "Buying Apps on Android Still Sucks!"

@Vermifuge: If you can't stomach sarcasm, you wouldn't last five minutes with anyone I know.

If he really had balls he'd be running them all RAID 0.

@edosan: You're supposed to freeze those?

@BeerManMike: Nope. Post production work on the sequel to Bum Fights

@HashMaster9000: Any homeless guy who is able to put together this rig probably does not need tech support.

Most importantly, how many fart apps will there be at launch?

I'm surprised this article's headline didn't start with "You might be a redneck if..."

@Platypus Man: Assuming you have an android, there are versions floating around. Or, post your email and I'll send it to you.

@Ian Logsdon: I somewhat agree with your statement regarding the difference in quality. However, I've been trying to be more forward thinking when it comes to my movie rips than I was with my music rips. As TV's improve the quality difference between lossless Blu-ray and 720p becomes more pronounced. And, I'd hate to

@Ian Logsdon: OK. but, the rend result is the same. We are in the age of HD and the fact that this device can't play anything resembling high quality 1080p baffles me.

@Celtic1888: Having to rencode all your stuff and, most likely downscaling it in the process (1080p to 720p) is why I think they keep shooting themselves in the foot with this device.