
She has called her disabled brother a “retard” multiple times on her blog. She HATES her brother, intensely and viscerally. Her posts about him were INSANE pre-tv show. Ree is an absolute shit.

Also, it’s pretty well known around the internet that her “bullying” stories are fabricated OR she’s pretending someone else bullied her that way when really it was her bullying others. I read a great piece (anonymous of course) once of someone who went to school with her who was like, “None of that stuff happened,

The leopard (cheetah?) in the video upsets me. It looks so stressed.

C-sections are necessary to prevent the death of women. Honestly, fuck off with that C-Sections for Everyone, they’re so EASY attitude. The advent of the c-section has improve maternal mortality. Don’t be proud of being a breech baby born vaginally. Your mother suffered EXTREMELY and for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. That

Ok but here’s my issue: I am 28. I would be absolutely mortified. 28-year-olds are not “finding themselves.” She needs to be better at taking responsibility. She wants to act like she’s in on the joke now, but she’s not: she still playing the victim and acting like all the big meanies are ruining her life. But here’s