okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under)

Fatal beatings have always been an effective way to stop an individual from doing things :)

@sanyo: No silly! I'm saying the sheen on the tight curves of the controller comes of cheaper and more plastic-looking than those of the long sweeping curves of console!

@Michael Sweet: I'm going to ponder the meaning of your post for a few weeks :/

@domhnall: After browsing his Wikipedia page, it all seems to make sense as to how such an illustration came to be. Now why someone would do this is a whole other can of worms.

That controller looks cheap but the PS3 looks sexy as hell <3

@Retsaot: I can become tired of anything a read on the internet when I seek it out. This isn't a passive activity here. It just seems to me that people, by the way of ignorance, generalize something to the point of it losing its meaning only to then claim it means nothing.

I not only think the whole comparison is absurd but I will even correct it. The closest thing on the market to the activator is that abortion of a drum set in Power Gig.

So this whole 'take your console with you' is something people think they want huh?

For the life in me, though I understand the freeing qualities of nerd rage when you release venom into an aggressor, I cannot understand why people rage about things they claim they DON'T care about!

I guess I'm the obsessive fool for not letting go of the fact something's really wrong with the picture. Why does his blaster have veins -OR- why does being extreme mean tightening the screws to the point of cracking metal?

@☆Giroro G66☆: Let's be honest with ourselves here. with this much steroids involved, there shouldn't even be a black bar there.

Umm... Luke? ಠ_ಠ

Option 5: Rape :(

@DivergentRunoff: Gun's allows people to kill more efficiently is the bullshit sarcasm I was going for. Fact is, people who truly want to kill by numbers go for other more effective means. The idea that removing guns will cute down on gun crimes is also silly because the criminal world never really obtain their guns

@DivergentRunoff: The argument is often raised because the counter is so ridiculous. It's like guns are part of the problem because it makes it so easy to kill. So the cure for the human selfishness and evil is "laziness"; if people didn't have access to guns, they would have to try harder to kill and because people

@AllOfUsAreLost.: Aren't you repulsed by the wrong thing? Guns don't go running off to kill people. Careless or intentional, in all gun-related deaths, you'll find a human at the trigger. I just watch this video and I didn't even see a gun kill once. Death is as old as life itself. Murder is as old as history itself.

@tnmnsquare: What's so repulsive about this if you don't mind me asking.