I did notice it was a Maserati. I mean, it could've been a slight nod to the whole crown thing anyway. I should've said
that it looked like a crown. I mean, TD producers could've went with any
other luxury car like a Bentley or Lamborghini.
I did notice it was a Maserati. I mean, it could've been a slight nod to the whole crown thing anyway. I should've said
that it looked like a crown. I mean, TD producers could've went with any
other luxury car like a Bentley or Lamborghini.
Yes, I recognized it was Maserati when he drove away. I should've said that it looked like a crown. I mean, TD producers could've went with any other luxury car like a Bentley or Lamborghini.
Just a little Easter Egg I noticed last night: The emblem on the grill on the front of Geraci's car, as he leaves the country club with Marty, is a crown. Not a yellow one, but a crown nonetheless.