i moved desks so new burner

yeah, this is what I’m familiar with. Outside of a historical drama, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone refer to their father as ‘Papa’, unless they were speaking to their children about the children’s grandfather.

From my personal experience- we had a single year of government, which was either my sophmore or junior year, I can’t entirely recall right now. And of course, I had the experience that many of my peers had, where from K-12 we rarely made it past the industrial revolution in history class. Only one year in my memory

This! This exactly!! They are all like this. They got lucky enough to have the kind of lifestyle our parents had, and have no idea how to cope with the fact that others cannot attain this, or have no wish to. It’s ‘well /I/ wasn’t raised this way, my mom/dad/parents would have whupped my ass!! hahaha!! participation

You have a point! It’s always been about goalposts and test scores.

Unless this is news I haven’t heard, damn Bobby, ouch. And yeah, 100% accurate.

Jealous. :( We don’t have a company wide party for the holidays, we do a weird night out thing at the end of January, and we probably won’t have a department party, because most of our department members now work remotely from other states.

It kills me! So many peers who got lucky and landed decent jobs and make the “middle class” wage after college are only too quick to try to lump themselves into with baby boomers and gen-xers and trash the over the top millennial stereotype. It’s just sad that every time I get hopeful again, I see or hear some shit

Alright, so a God Damn millennial here. Honestly, at the end of the day, it’s not the ones that idiotically wrote in Sanders or voted Stein I take issue with. Perhaps it’s because I live deep in a red state, which to be frank is quite the neverending hellscape when it wants to be, but the ones that really fucking piss

Same. I have no real attachment to either John Hamm or Leo if I’m being honest, but I’m struggling very hard to see any of her appeal.

Haven’t been on my tumblr dash in months, open the app for five minutes, see this post reblogged...forcibly exited my tumblr dash. Please, please don’t make me look at someone’s decade old amputated toe.

Patti shouldn’t have to explain this, so I will. I understand your thought process, but I encourage you to do some googling of the history of the gospel genre, which is indelibly and deeply tied into the Black American experience. Most traditional gospel songs sprung directly from the fields where slaves toiled. From

Hi there, thank you! :) It was completely all my mom’s idea, my dad had nothing to do with it. That’s the main reason it always freaked me out, the coincidences are just wild. Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me that my dad never said anything to my mom about who else had the name, that’s just the kind of person he is.

Okay, this was really cute.

I like the guy, but I also don’t watch late night shows like his every single night, just when there’s a celebrity on that I’d like to see interviewed, so that could be affecting my judgement re: him being a douche or boring, as I also tend to like his carpool karaokes with artists I like.

Steve Rose for the KC Star is not wrong! Recent Missouri transplant living on the other side of the border here to say, [Jean Ralphio voice] he’s the woooorrrrst~

We can donate directly to the Standing Rock tribe here, as well as here, specifically for camp operating expenses. And I can’t imagine doing more of the calling our state representatives that’s been widely discussed over the last week would hurt either. :)

Possibly outing myself as a fan here, but my favorite part of the AMAs was probably Niall-from-1D shaking Zayn-no-longer-1D’s hand out of nowhere, and Zayn’s shocked face.

I believe that it is this, but by and large I see it condensed down to a “gut” feeling. Which I can only assume is that because people would rather not think deeply enough to realize exactly why they dislike her so much.

I like this approach!

And I suspect you are very, very correct.