
I read an interview years ago with Bunny and she said the difference of her style of photography and the more recent stuff is that in her heyday, the model looked into the camera and was usually smiling. The mens' mags of the 70's on seemed, to her, as more voyeuristic.

Tiaras and crowns have nothing to do with a prince. Imperial margarine ran commercials in the 60's that showed someone getting a crown as soon as they bit into their toast. My god, I begged my mother for that shitty stuff because I wanted that damn crown. Hey, I was about 3 or 4 so I didn't know that's not how you get


I bought a Brookstone shoulder pillow and it's about the best for me so far, though not perfect. I have frozen shoulder in the right arm and while the left is more mobile, it is painful as well. This pillow has a foam core and a down-like cover that can be washed. I also use one of those half donut neck pillows with

I wonder if her weight will go up to about 120. I read an article in the NYT several years ago that stated a tactic on TBL Show was to pretty much dehydrate yourself before a weigh in. Dangerous and I wonder why that isn't brought up more often about this show.

Youtube has videos for "plarn" plastic yarn. Pretty cool. Saw a lady at the gas station with a shoulder bag made out of plastic bags and it was pretty nice looking actually.

The car you drive, how you look and your zip code all have something to do with if you get stopped as well as how you're treated afterwards.

Loved him in Oz. So cute when he snatched the wig off his dancing "girlfriend" and snapped, "SLOWER!"

How did she get all this power? I've been watching her on tv since the late sixties. I used to turn on my little portable tv and watch the Today Show when I was getting ready for school and can remember her. Then she does all those "exclusive" celebrity interviews and they cry and stuff. Do people really like those? I

Thanks for the great idea. My use for old corks is to stick fish hooks in them. Makes transporting fishing poles a little safer.

Don't forget harassing women in office elevators. A coworker of mine who would be in his late seventies, told me this was a thing.

What's the big green and blue map thingy in the lower right corner?

I read somewhere that teens need as much sleep as babies. I don't have kids but I can remember the adults thinking something was wrong with me for sleeping so much. Makes sense since there's another growth spurt.

Lemon deodorizes and salt scrubs. Since lemon is also an acid, I'm sure there's also an antibacterial effect.

Also, a lot of times they're made of oak. Price that at a home improvement store sometime. If you're interested in plywood the price of that has skyrocketed over the years due to demand from the armed forces for shipping and it jumps after every hurricane/tornado, again due to high demand.

Teachers opinions of their students, let alone of the parents is pretty low in low income areas. I grew up in one. My friend's daughter came home and said that the teacher called her students "ghetto rats" and also would take cell phone calls during class because she was selling real estate part time. Back in the

I do this with a big can or bottle of tomato paste. I spoon it out onto a dinner plate or small pan (not much room in my freezer) then when it's frozen, put the clumps into sandwich bags and I have small amounts to throw into soup or ground beef to make "taco sauce."

They didn't mind making fun of my clothes and extra curly hair from the time I was 11 thru high school. Guess I could have given that background. My crappy shoes, my split ends, "I never heard of that brand" etc. Also, my bad neighborhood and living with grandmother and they looked down on my parents. You can pick

Did I come off as holier than thou? Look I like the mags but I'm not going all gusto on buying the stuff. Is that such a bad thing?

Caucasian here but grew up in a shitty zip code. Cops and sheriff's deputies loved fucking with people there. I worked in a convenience store in the late 80's and a few would act like you were human but others just mocked your home base like a sadistic thing.