I agree except you can build an immunity to polio - by catching polio. I’m sure FDR was immune to at least one of the three strains.
I agree except you can build an immunity to polio - by catching polio. I’m sure FDR was immune to at least one of the three strains.
Agreed that what the bride did was inexcusable for any reason and far outweighs any rudeness on the guest’s part. Maybe I’m projecting on this guest a bit because it is a pet peeve of mine when people cancel for “emergencies” that don’t seem real- oh I totally forgot I must wash my hair. I recently had to cancel on a…
What the bride did was awful. But, if you read the article, the “date” was Jessica’s husband. Why couldn’t he stay home with his own kids while Jessica went to her friend’s wedding that she RSVPed to?
My parents have been members my entire life of Shearith Israel. It is true that Sephardic Jews are generally less strict than their Ashkenazic counterparts and that the congregation is mixed in that regard. I have no idea of Shultz’s allegation is true but the congregation just got a new rabbi who is Ashkenazic…