
In terms of policy wins what exactly are your principles worth again?

It’s like progressives looked at how conservatives took over the GOP through the TEA Party movement and thought, “Hey, let’s do the opposite of everything they did, and surely we’ll have the same outcome of real-deal progressives taking over the Democratic Party!”

The time to push the Democrats further left is during the primaries. If you’re not showing up then, why the hell would they assume you’ll show up for the general elections?

It’s because what you call “inaction” is in reality, “the consequences of being the minority party in every branch of government.”

For what it’s worth, I don’t think progressives need to shut up. I do think that they need to accept there is a time to push, and there’s a time to take what you can get. Sometimes, your choice is “something” or “nothing”, and petulantly declaring, “Fine! Nothing then! For anyone!” isn’t going to work.

Yeah. No.

Naw. It’s just easier to armchair quarterback this shit and post about it on a blog than it is to actually be in Congress and have to master the art of politics. That balance of posturing and conciliation that makes the machine work.

There is always time to shit on democrats.

I’m speechless in this new crusade among some dolts to be buddy buddy with Putin and his ilk. Address the issues I raised above and maybe then I’d be in favor. At this point I’d rather have normalized relations with Iran before Russia. They have ulterior motives for every move they make on the international stage.

I would like to point out that you are actually worse than useless. Because this kind of coverage actually helps Trump. Putin only occasionally murders people because cynicism is much more useful than poison.

Splinter, Gawker, and to a lesser extent The Root and Jez have historically been staffed with young, privileged idiots with one track minds. They started out with snark but descended into a douche and turd whataboutism that would make Sean Hannity proud.

I would pay $50 to any Democrat who can make a convincing case that a majority of independents and Democrats will be persuaded to go to the polls in November and vote Democratic on the basis of the Russia investigation.

I said evidence regarding the Russians (I guess people always mean the Russian government or Putin) hacking the DNC emails. I’m sure they meddled in our election or our politics just like I’m sure there are other countries that do that with direct lobbying of congressman such as Saudi Arabia.

I’ve gotta think there’s some middle ground between being “seconds-from-nuclear-annihilation enemies” and “Putin’s personal lapdog”.

The “no evidence it was Russia” in the election meddling bit is a lie, one peddled quite frequently on the far-right, though even they’ve let that particular bit of idiocy die out for the most part.

Horseshit. The relations are already bad, what you’re advocating for is utter stupidity mixed with some outright lies and some whataboutism. Piss off.

Looks like someone didn’t finish the movie.

“Stop fighting fascism! It makes everyone hate you and love fascism! By the way, I’m totally not a fascist sympathizer...” - you

Nah. Letting a white supremacist speak on your campus without protest is not a good strategy. Then all of the racist conservative students would attend and white supremacist speakers would become more normalized. Fuck that.

except he’s uh, losing even by his own dumb metrics?