
Trumpanzees: Lock her up! Trump that bitch! Build da wuhl!!1

The White House can’t even bring itself to condemn Russia for carrying out a chemical weapon attack on UK soil.

“Only a true master of story-craft could come up with a reason that these hotel entusiasts all happened to coincidentally be at the Watergate on the same night. It’s just to incredible to believe that there was some *collusion* here!”

Never in my life, having grown up around the “end” of the Cold War, would I have thought ANYONE, let alone the goddamn Republican Party, would be all “eh, no big deal” about Russian interference and meddling with our elections. That they carry water for this sack of shit administration, which has loyalty ONLY to

There’s a reason 2018's defense of Trump has been so different from 2017's. Last year everything was “fake news” or a “nothingburger.” Nowadays they’re acting more like mob lawyers, attacking the investigation and investigators instead of the actual evidence.

Exactly, they were trying to cause chaos and division in general, but were overwhelmingly trying to get Trump elected, because he is chaos and division personified.

Exactly, let’s finally get some justice for the victims of the Bowling Green massacre.

Wait, you mean the people who spun up Benghazi, Benghazi! BENGHAZI! and turned internal departmental email server management practice disputes into multi-year, multi-commission sagas couldn’t find anything to do here?

Sounds like they Didn’t. Even. Try.

And symbols are really good for playing on public opinion, which is exactly what Trump is going to do to rile up his base and feed his own ego. If he hasn’t already he is going to be all over tweeting how this totally exonerates him and how Mueller’s investigation should be shut down immediately because this means the

Write down their names and hang these motherfuckers when Trump falls and they try to pretend they never knew him. Hang each and every one of these traitors. In a public square. While we cheer.

The losses related to pensions can be traced back to a Republican-created/passed bill- the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, which forced the USPS to do some extremely idiotic things, like pre-fund pensions for it’s employees for a 75 year timespan, in under a decade. Literally putting aside billions

The NRA. Planned Parenthood is not responsible for any children’s deaths.

We’re talking about guns— not mammograms & pap smears. Do try to stay on topic, troll.

Oh easy, the NRA. Planned Parenthood doesn’t kill children. Have you taken a child in there recently and asked them to kill it? They won’t, trust me I tried.

The FBI is investigating alleged NRA laundering of Russian money used to support Republican candidates. If LaPierre is attacking the FBI, something tells me the noose is tightening.

The future of the GOP relies on discrediting the FBI enough to keep their base voting red. Everyone and everything that has a stake in the GOP has their backs to the wall and will fight with any means necessary. If that means completely undermining the intelligence community, so be it.


Your ideological purity is getting kids killed.

Welp.....Until that (special) someone comes along then you’re stuck with what you have.

Yep. Every single time the Democrats have tried this sort of hard(er) left rhetoric, the only thing its done has stirred conservative voters... and the leftists still didn’t show up.