I don’t understand what you’re showing me. All I see is the camera panning towards the ring
I mean, I love Warframe and all, but good god if half the game isn’t borken to all hell. The entire game is just half finished systems built upon other half finished systems.
Even the Plains of Eidolon was a half finished system, they forgot how to make it relevant to the rest of the game.
The hit boxes would be less of a problem if the tick rate was better. I’ve seen kill cams where I was clearly beyond the range of even the hitboxes, and got sniped. I’ve seen kill cams where I magically warped back to their bullet despite having moved away from where they were shooting well before they even aimed.
Zenyatta has more shield than health, and that recovers quite fast.
Every day, at 12:00 p.m.:
“It’s hiiiiigh noon.”