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    That is so funny! Small world, I guess. It's hard to hold on to a language of our grandparents. My daughter was born in Ukraine, but grew up mostly here, since she was 8, so her Ukrainian is heavily accented and she forgets words, what something is called. Besides, we speak English with each other anyway, I never

    I guess, maybe. idk. Carol turned into a badass from a meek abused creature… I hope, I never have to find out IRL :)

    Yes, I agree wih the theoretical argument, but it wasn't Otto that took the land? Didn't it happen 100+ years ago, and even though it is a disputed land, now we have ZA to face, and wouldn't it be more prudent to join forces with a few survivning actual humans than scalp them and otherwise intimidate?
    at this point,

    Community theatre actors? That is awesome! Isn't what's his name King something with a pet tiger used to be one? what is his name?

    I am UKRAINIAN born and bred :)
    thanks!!! love me some corn too :)

    Yes to that! sweet poor Jake..
    Yes, I agree, this is way too early to lead for such newcomers as Madison and especially underage Alicia.. BUT OTOH -
    isn't Jeremiah too quick and too agreeable with letting Madison to take a leading role of some sort? Like he is basically the last Founding Father standing, and he is like

    After further reflection and reading some more about it, I think Madison actually is betting that Troy can be a good leader/defender of the Ranch if manipulated in the right way, which she does with some finness by now, and he is all wrapped around her finger by now, so - good plan!

    That is exactly how it went down. i thought it was odd the reviewer missed such crucial moment and recapped wrong. I miss a lot of detail, but that was pretty clear.

    You are correct.

    oh that doesn't sound like a good experience, sorry
    I do not have any experience with guns at all, so I do not think I would last long in ZA
    I manage ok IRL though :)
    happy watching!

    I do not disagree with birth control at all. I am all for it :)
    I am sorry, what Caitlin's comment are we discussing?
    ETD oh sorry, i think you are saying Caitlin found it odd Otto's pantry would be stocked with condoms?
    no, I did not find that odd at all :)

    why are you asking?

    It would probably be me as I never was around one, so I wouldn't know :) how to properly hold a gun.
    I guess if you know how to properly hold a gun, then she must have looked amateurish I guess

    apparently, he did it… somehow
    I might have missed something, what was about religious conservatives that was wrong? Because I thought the people on the ranch were referred to as libertarians who would not answer to anyone really..
    I do not recall religious conservatives being mentioned? did I miss something? if i did

    So totally agree with you on Otto dude, he was like, i like the paycheck, and all other answers were like, geez, I do not want to be here, and I never really deep-analyzed any of the shit you are asking me about… hilarious! He wasn't even hiding it :)

    I frankly do not understand why Madison is banking on Troy, and Alicia on Jake - wow, will there be a power struggle between Clark women?
    And how Alicia's pitch so backfired - no, I wanted you to be a leader INSIDE, not outside, silly! now I have to go and rescue you, sigh

    My first reaction,
    both mother and daughter try to coax their respective "Mr. Underwoods" (one is an actual Mr. Underwood, so cute) to take control (as in the House of Cards, Claire presents a woman urging on her husband's assertion of power) - that was idk, not very subtle
    And so, what message does that represent? We

    bye sad person, I am done reading here so you can go and litter all over again over this thread with your snark. bye now

    I think you don't quite know how to read and comprehend what you've read.. bye now

    I do not need to count how many people agree with me to prop my self-esteem. I am just finishing up with this section and going on with my life and you seem to wait to attack any comment that is different from your opinion.