
That’s what I thought, too! I was like, “Girl, you are gonna get so many zits...”

Totally agree with your impression of the episode, except just wanted to correct you that it’s only about 650 miles from the border of Poland to Moscow, so about a 12 hour drive (maybe slightly more on those notoriously bad roads :).

I still haven’t fully processed this episode, but HOLY SHIT GIVE THIS SHOW ALL THE EMMYS. ALL OF THEM.

Thanks for the reviews Erik.

That scene in the garage was one of the best things I’ve seen on television. When they drove away I literally said, “Did that just happen?”

I can’t find any words to say other than well done, The Americans. I give you a standing ovation. You deserve every award.

Have you ever known people who were really devout in their beliefs? A lot of times they hold tightly their beliefs, regardless of what said beliefs are. If they are a devout Christian or believe that Jill Stein is the best choice, no, make that the right choice, they see little else. If they have a change of beliefs,

A lot of shows have kid/teen characters who are just kind of...there...or the kids suddenly aren’t around and you think “aren’t these people parents?

The Americans, Henry Report 0606:

It also has me wondering once again how Renee factors into this. If she’s somehow a Soviet spy, or even if she’s totally clean, I wonder if she might somehow let information about that get to Philip or Elizabeth (intentionally or otherwise). She has to be there for some purpose, and that may give Philip and Elizabeth

But she has watched Philip agonize over seducing Kimmy for FOUR YEARS. She knows how much he hates it.

Phillip’s offer to get the band back together is meant to salvage what’s left of their lives, but I think things are too far gone. His heart is barely in it, and Elizabeth is far too divorced from anything that isn’t “the mission.”

I’m not sure how rusty Philip will be, and we’ve seen Elizabeth do damn near the impossible on her own. So I expect the extraction itself may end up better than we would otherwise expect. That said, I also suspect (whether the mission is a success or not) this may provide the FBI with enough that Stan and Aderholt can

Now playing

Well, I would ask you to consider this. She has been forced to do this two-person (or more) portion of the job solo for quite some time giving Philip the chance to more-or-less live the American life. She asks for one thing (which is a big one to be sure, but have you seen what has been asked of Elizabeth lately?) for

One of the things I loved about this episode was seeing the nitty-gritty of the FBI’s investigation— all those agents sifting through utility bills and car registrations. We’ve seen all the spy stuff from the perspective of the illegals, so it’s neat to see how the FBI can follow the trail of minute details and put

I wonder if “Harvest” will help redeem Stan if it leads to him discovering KGB sleeper agents having lived across the street from him all this time. It certainly seemed to turn on a ticking clock in my head for the FBI (presumably Stan) inevitably finding out about Philip and Elizabeth. Not it feels like a matter of

Hearing Aderholt (and hey, buddy, congrats on the promotion!) list out all of the ways they can track the illegals - including the Russian priest! - just settled a cold fist of dread in my gut. Now it’s not if or even when Stan finds out, but which tiny little thing gives it away. Which means every little thing they

His reaction to his dad walking out of the kitchen when his mom was making him food was priceless.

As Seabreeze and Soverybored (literally!) said, CC is your friend. I would struggle without it, but with it...this show is just friggin’ majestic. Jared Harris and Paul Ready (Dr. Goodsir) need Emmys now, please and thank you.

Yes, try with subtitles. I don’t think I can watch TV anymore without subtitles, when it comes to ‘The Wire’ and Southern accents and British accents.