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    She is Kevin’s babies’ mother. that’s what she does for a lining - and demanding he quit the movie to be with her and the babies smh

    no you didn’t. they did mention empty nest in an early episode. i kept thinking - where are the kids, or at least A kid to come show support for Merilee and their father assuming he was innocent, etc. i guess one “excuse” could be they all live in Paris and cannot travel - pandemic! 

    in Montana? not everything is brimming with tech like CSI Miami

    so he has to be in - switching his surging career in major Hollywood for daytime soap - and she doesn’t have to be “in” supportive of her partner’s career? Really? SMH

    So agree about Kevin/Madison thing. I am astonished nobody mentioned here that Madison was being a total b**** to Kevin. Seriously?

    Randall’s “journey” and quest for his identity is kinda what his arc of the show is about, if he “snaps out of it” - then what will there be to tell? 

    A type of person that “Marc” represents cannot and would not treat his/her partner decently, as he is an emotional abuser. This mental health issue is a product of childhood traumas/upbringing and does not go away as a person matures. It can hardly even be “cured” by therapy. (“Why Does He Do That?” by Lundy Bancroft

    yes I get it, but isn’t it a little too convenient - some old food - check! fly in container - check! and some freshly hatched maggots just in time for Grace’s wound - check! although the container is underground so the fly must have been really adventurous to get there. 

    where did they get the maggots? how? they are locked in a metal shipping container. ??? any thoughts? 

    Thank you! I appreciate your explanation and it does makes sense, yes. Incidentally, doesn’t it show you? Men really don’t have to “fuck with their faces” to continue being charming and in demand, women, though.... Poor Kidman, idk, I feel sorry for her. What the hell did she do to her face? She looks like a statue

    “There was a story to be had there, but the TV writers blew it.” - totally agreed. they should have stuck to the book as it really, as you said, developed and built up the story about him hiding being a psycho”.

    But the “whodunit” tangents that they went off on distracted from that (IMHO)“ —

    stoic 14 yr old after his sister was killed”

    Ha ha so true! I lived in NYC for 2 years and it was just constant never ending thing everywhere :)

    What is this obsession with accents? I do not get it. I just watch a show, and I understand the words that are coming out of their mouths... what is this accent hating about???  

    Literally, EVERYONE has been talking about it since ep. 1

    No, none of those would have been more interesting, because the show is not about whodunit mystery. It’s about a psychopathy and how it affects and thrives and fools families. In that regard, the show sort of redeemed itself somehow, but they should have stuck with the book - oh wait, but then, there would have been

    Grant’s character was clearly empathetic with his patients yet declared a psycho because he didn’t cry as a child?”

    Ok, I have been reading these types of comments about Mr. Grant for weeks now, and I do not honestly get it at all! What am I not getting? He looks so old, so old. Old, wrinkled old. His eyes look tired, watery and red. He looks spent and old. OLD. I see zero charm. zero. What am I missing? Charming British accent? 

    I haven’t either, incidentally. DVR’d it and waiting for a breather in my week to sit down and enjoy without distractions :)