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    no sense this whole episode made no sense. mother going away - again - without even seeing her kids, this nonsensical island story. really - a huge epic fail. not deserving any grade above D-

    Maybe she hates Republicans (not very subtle dig by the show into “current events”) imho

    Yes, it was addressed in the show. William revealed that himself. Don’t remember which episode but yes. 

    do people with that advanced disease even have drivers licences/or drive? 

    thank you - soviet satellite and yes to all other observations

    thanks for clarifying that! I apologize, naming “shit hole” third world countries correctly is not anybody’ priority here... and I don’t know anything about jojo’s whatever so.. have a good weekend!

    correction “no article” with single word country name

    No, Ukraine historically isn’t supposed to be used with an article, it is only under Russian oppression that this happened as Ukraine was considered by Russians always as just a territory not an actual independent country. That is what resulted in this article tacked onto the country’s name which is offensive to the

     A city, not a correct analogy.

    Your comment makes no sense. Yes, Moscow is actually Moskva. What does it have to do with “the” used incorrectly and offensively?

    thank you for reading my post. I hope you have learned something :)

    It wasn’t “Russian” satellite, it was Soviet (USSR). It is not the same thing even though to this day referring to anything Soviet/Soviets as Russian/Russians is across the board the norm sort of, but it’s ignorant. And please stop saying “the” Ukraine, too. It’s Ukraine. Would you say the France? the Italy? (not

    I know it’s pointless to bring up yet another issue with this show, but here are my thoughts..

    wrong :)

    Um, no, wrong, for the record, just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not great at right amounts

    does he? how so? I am just asking because I agree that Ken sealed the deal totally but does Logan know that? maybe I missed smth

    does he? how so? I am just asking because I agree that Ken sealed the deal totally but does Logan know that? maybe I missed smth

    yes. 25 million for them is a tuesday lunch

    That would be just preaching to the choir. This isn’t what the point is here imo, we all get all that, no need to spell

    yes, especially only child!