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    well said!

    I think (and it might be a loose connection) but what they were trying for in teenage Randall’s quest for his birth parents/mother is a parallel to show how Deja might feel. She will long for her birth mother and wait for her no matter how warm and welcoming the foster family is, and no matter how well-stocked the

    geez, who’s the president???

    agreed on all points, except I cannot call it “animal” - I love animals too much. That stinking turd does not deserve to be in one sentence with them.

    “If you choose to live”.....

    Give this person the definition of “implied” meaning. I am actually almost in disbelief that this person thinks that if they didn’t actually write those exact words “ I have a problem with people expressing opinions about such and such”- nothing they wrote means exactly that. Hardly a lawyer material :)

    Is that Ben-Gorp guy from the Americans?

    I liked it overall but that awful half-African-American + half Norwegian (?) correspondent who was ok material-wise but omg she was always yelling and just being so shrill (I am a woman so don’t assume) - and she was just being the worst possible caricature of an African-American women worst stereotypes... I think she

    Ahaha, incidentally, one of my coworkers today said I should have gone into comedy.

    Oh no, that was definitely rose. I know what you mean though. I LOVED kale before anybody heard of it, and now it is like in any imaginable recipe, you cannot make anything without kale it seems, so I feel that when I pick/buy kale, somebody will always roll their eyes in their head - oh yeah, another “kale” person...

    yesssss. some do not get that.

    Totally with you on that! And another thing I forgot to mention, when Ally pulls a wine glass off the rack and opens the wine cabinet - what wine does she pull outta there??? freaking rose!!! such a perfect touch, I do not know what it is about this current rose craze right now, but it must be made fun of, and they

    well, I would agree that it is leaning a lot more in the “liberal snowflake” parody direction, but -

    in post-truth America, who is a sympathetic character? maybe that’s the point (or one of them)? the world is full of anti-heroes for real, so why not a tv show reflect that?

    as long as it’s not cisnormative we’re good

    ha, I like this theory. You have a creative mind!

    I absolutely loved this epp: that “cisnormative names” alone, damn...

    and yet, some people do not care for either.

    Thank you for being so gracious. I realize you didn’t mean it the way I took it. I am just having a “knee-jerk” reaction, I guess, because any time I say I am not into GoT, people roll their eyes like “what’s wrong with you?” So - nothing wrong with me, just don’t like it is all :)

    Who wouldn’t like good writing? I agree we’re all different so I might not like GoT the way you like it not because good writing deters me from enjoying it. I am not into fantasy, I do not like fantasy as a genre in general, so I have difficult time getting into such shows, even though the writing is excellent. I just