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    I dont think they ever had sex and they didnt know so calling it incest is a stretch i think

    no more disqus i see 😊

    again, it doesn't prove anything. There is such notion as ETHNIC Ukrainian, and a Ukrainian citizen. same goes for russki - there are ETHNIC Russians and Russian citizens. So, an ethnic Ukrainian (maybe with a long buried ethnic Ukrainian ancestry) can very well live in Russia and call themselves Russian, and vice…

    so? it doesn't prove anything. She herself might have been unaware of all the leaves on her family tree. And for a Russian to admit that they have Ukrainian roots would be like for a Nazi German in the 1930s to brag about his Jewish grandpa. Russkij the greatest blood that ever was? hell no. Russkie think of…

    To answer your question, yes. not an excuse though
    As for the Hitler comparison (and the Governor too), I was pointing out only that a vast number of followers of any individual does not prove that the individual is a good person, that's all.
    We are yet to discover how "right" is Jeremiah Otto. I have my suspicions…

    Have you noticed the abusive tapes he keeps where he is abusive towards his family?
    As far as the followers are concerned, the Governor had a lot of followers, and Hitler too, IRL, so..

    The way you phrased it, it did come across as your questioning who else besides people who grew up in NZ would know about Maori (" are they THAT well known in the rest of the world?" you ask - that sounds to me like you are not limiting yourself to just the characters of the show).
    Aside from that, IIRC, on one…

    oh, about the SUV, I don't know, I did not catch that…

    maybe, but I have lived long enough to learn the other scenario is much more likely…

    I do not disagree…
    I was just saying that I am willing to overlook things like that because then there will be an ocean of things to complain about. Like somebody else commented in this thread somewhere: it does not seem plausible to me that people always want to leave a presumably safe (safer) location with community…

    just proves my point why the wife imbibed

    What? Of course, people know Maori (native people of New Zealand). What a strange thing for you to say! I knew. I have known since middle school when we studied world geography (well, that was in the USSR) but I am sure many know. And for those who don't - google might help.
    Anyway, regardless of Travis' character…

    Well, we didn't really see him die, but there is no way he survives those wounds even if he lands on the world's softest pile of feathers..
    so that old trope is not an iron clad rule here, imo
    but who knows? stranger things have happened…

    i hear you
    i wish i had an opportunity to trash my ex :))
    and i am not sorry


    yes I saw that…

    I agree, and his showing up again now - dream? delusion? reality?

    I forgot how did he "die"? in that fire?

    Another alcoholic woman ruined her kid story… really??? this is so overdone and tired, and what made her alcoholic? sick controlling freak of a husband? please stop with this alcoholic wife shtick.. this is so tired

    thanks!! you too! see you then :)