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    There is an ocean of difference between the two. Natalie was coerced (including by rape) to BETRAY her country, which she did.
    Liz was trained by harsh means (rape included) - and she willingly chose to join this program with mom's blessing - to DEFEND her country against enemies, especially foreign (the US) which she

    yes, agree!

    Yes you missed pretty much a lot of it. Natalie was the one who executed those soldiers on Nazi orders. Pay attention.

    I don't know why many here are calling P and especially E monsters. By this logic, and let's remember that they are KGB officers, they are soldiers in the cold war fighting against their state's enemy!! - so, they are JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS! No soldier should disobey orders of their superiors, right?
    What makes them

    Yes, some people are born in time and place that makes them more fortunate than others. That said, the choice is clear, save your own life and become a war criminal, or die heroically by defying your tormentors and pointing that machine gun they handed you ON THEM. Poor Nats was unfortunate to be there at that time,

    She had a choice. Point that machine gun they handed you at THEM! You will die, yes, but this is your choice.

    Yes! and you will CHOOSE to be shot but NOT pull a lever in a gas chamber to kill thousands of innocent men, women, and children just because they happened to be born Jewish! Yes, you die, you make a choice to remain human, you DO NOT follow CRIMINAL orders!
    wow, so saving your own skin justifies committing genocide

    wow, just wow, have you heard of the Nuremberg trials? with the exception of the highest Nazi army brass, they should all have been exonerated!
    wow, are you being serious?

    They ideally are tried for war crimes in the court of law.
    But this show had to do this for a dramatic effect and show the chasm between Phil and Liz narrowing.
    IRL, these people are extradited to Israel, Germany and stand war crimes tribunals

    "but an exception so rare that it is in a special category" -

    " Anyone following orders is not a war criminal" -
    you should have been Eichmann's defense lawyer.

    "War crimes" is a BS term" -
    ask Israel what they would think of your statement.

    "War criminals are people who choose to do bad crap" -
    and she did. She executed not one or two, but hundreds! She didn't turn on her tormentors and rapists, she continued following their orders. She is a war criminal.

    Well they do, don't they? Let's start with parents and in-laws, for example. I agree that people should be left alone in that department. But when I hear "so when are you going to start a family?" asked of A FAMILY, I cringe.

    I got that part. I was joking too.

    Not at all.

    Just said that! Kidnap, fly to the USSR, try as a war criminal in Dyatkovo, where relatives of those she executed are still alive and are awaiting closure.

    she had to.

    She had to. there was no way he could live. Wrong place wrong time.

    well then, she doesn't have any family to neglect, does she? :)