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    Kentucky Fried Chicken? :)
    I love sun tea in the summer!
    Re: vodka, in my observations, Americans mostly drink it incorrectly (for my liking). They either have it like scotch or bourbon I guess(?) - on the rocks or mix in various cocktails.
    We like taking shots of vodka (as you would do with tequila), and it's not

    You are in Kentucky and no affection for Kentucky bourbon? How do u do that? lol
    I recently flipped thru a book at my library - this:
    So fascinating, esp history! Never tried bourbon though. More of a vodka person, :)

    and she would be like "World" Series? except Blue Jays, who is exactly there from outside of the US ? don't you dare compare this to World Cup :)

    common practice against dissidents then. just declare them mentally ill, lock them up in psych wards and pump them up with drugs. who would question? they are sick

    Live and learn :) After somebody else mentioned that it was a "Bojack Horseman" reference - I was like "This is it.! I've had it! I am googling it! :))"
    Thanks for the explaining thou, it took time to type that up :)

    I read the comments all week until the next epp :0 it's just too many
    nice talking to you. whoever you are, fellow AV Clubber :)

    so you are basically describing this new-ish adult animated series that is supposedly mocking Hollywoo(d)? rite?

    me too! I even missed the Mail Robot when Aderholt answered the phone call from Mrs. Kovalenko? does that sound right? :) I basically have to re-watch last three episodes this weekend. I have a list of things I missed based on the AV Club comments :)
    Thing is the show airs at 10 pm and I am kinda tired by then. :) or

    I will definitely!

    Thank you for bringing me up to speed :)

    You guys are expanding my horizons btw - had to Google Bojack Horseman - never heard of it. thanks!!
    why would there be reference to BCAMM in it? pardon my ignorance :) I really cannot keep up with the amount of content out there, not while having to go to work every day :)

    I will HAVE to re-watch, I want to see the stain! :)

    Thanks! not that I know who Bojack Horseman is either, but that is not that important to me :)

    in the USSR. I don't mean to knit-pick and it does seem that most are actually in the Russian SSR, mostly in Moscow, but the USSR is not = Russia, let's remember that. They are not in Russia, they are back to the USSR (15 different countries btw) js

    well, i was in Ukraine, so that might be different

    ever? you don't seriously mean that. Anyone can learn rudimentary language skills in some time when they are actually THERE and not just doing rote instruction from a textbook.

    Not really. I have not used my Russian since the 1990s, and when I speak it now (with an occasional client who's Russian) - it feels and sounds "wooden" to me, I forget some words/grammar structures… I am fine, but not seamlessly fluent. My Ukrainian though that I speak once a week when I call my parents back home,

    21 upvotes but I have no clue what BCAMM is? what am I doing wrong? :)

    wait till they find out he lived across the street from Russian spies for years and made friends with them all the while having no idea they were Russian spies - counterintelligence at its best.

    Americans never lie ;)