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    Ha, just made exact same comment, couldn't resist :)
    i am not the only one, and it gives me hope

    or he will switch back when it's convenient, looks like he truly mastered ZA survival

    Just like DJT sorry couldnt resist :)

    "being in this situation is beneficial to them (for food, safety etc)."

    they were probably just too ugly for the "harem"

    I guess many Hillarys are dead in ZA but not all!

    still, just a tv show

    of course they were amazed at that! They lived back home in apartment buildings, no cars, or maybe one car per a big family, no lawns, no pools
    however, I think many here are missing my point. Even though they did not have the same level of comfort, as even a blue collar average American worker, their level of comfort

    that is amazing, i wonder how they came up with that. I am not much into music, so never knew that. thanks!

    Yes, I did! Avos, something will be "thrown" while I am at the right place at the right time :)
    BTW, for others, "avos'" (авось) means not even a word but an attitude. There is no equivalent in the Ukrainian language, it is truly a very uniquely Russian concept :)
    "It is an attitude that treats life as unpredictable

    CONGRATS!!!! Happy for you guys!
    I watch because the premiere in October 2010 was basically the beginning of the end of my second marriage, and now I just count every season as another year I have been happily free :)
    But for you guys - be happy as nobody ever was ! Cheers!

    You are supposed to root for whoever you want to! Free country, no?

    I love you too. Naps are good for you. :)

    oh for a second I thought you meant Dr. Carson permanently under the influence of Lunesta secretary of something :)
    to answer your concern, IT IS A TV SHOW.

    not worse it to get into silly squabbles over a silly show. peace, people :)

    That was better recap than the actual recap. Always looking forward to these, SG!

    Is there a Hillary on the show?

    on the Talking Dead, I wanted him to be referred to as "Rapey Davey" instead of "Savior David" oh well

    sorry, if that sounded nit-picky, but not everyone understands the same way… It was socialism though, not communism. The Soviets were "in the process" of building bright communist future, it was still ways away.
    Just wanted to point out because the word "owner" was actually used, and in the USSR, private enterprise

    yes, perfect, and from Polish to Ukrainian is one step. I actually understand and can read Polish since I am fluent in Ukrainian and Russian so half the words sound like slightly distorted Ukrainian or Russian. And we do use a lot of borrowed Yiddish too, of course over centuries slightly or not so slightly modified