
There’s a third option, I think. Trump voters were either, a) oblivious to his racism, b) felt that his b.s. record of “achievement” was more important, or c) are just convinced that racism isn’t really a big thing anymore and that people complaining about it are just looking for handouts. I think that this last one

Lawsuits do happen to rich people. But typically not racial discrimination lawsuits brought by the government. Those tend to go to rich people who are practicing racial discrimination in, say, housing.

One thing about the Hill/Schilling comparison - Schilling was warned twice before, and was fired on the third offense. As far as I know this is Hill’s first strike. Though I’m with you that I understand ESPN’s apology. I agree with what Hill said, but I get where ESPN is coming from and don’t think they did anything

Kind of. Eventually. Then followed it up by insisting that there were good people “on both sides” of a conflict that involved the KKK and Nazis. So that denunciation of white supremacists? He took it back.

Bill and Hillary were sued by the government for discrimination (against black people) in housing? They spent years trying to convince the world that America’s first black President wasn’t born in the U.S.? They had the vocal support of white supremacists like David Duke? They looked at Charlottesville and determined