Good luck to you Patrick.
Good luck to you Patrick.
It is with a heavy heart that I begin to say my goodbyes, readers. It’s been an honor to be part of Team Kotaku for…
I’m thirty & stoned
I don’t think that’s blasphemous. One thing worth considering is that Skyrim aims to have it’s impressions be left by something besides a big, stunning moment or moments.
How often do you update your graphics card?
As someone who is interested in No Man’s Sky, not to the degree these nutjobs are, but still interested enough to want to know when i can buy it, Kotaku putting up a small piece about it being pushed back by a few months is actually news I appreciate.
I’d guess Metacritic doesn’t include us because we’ve been so critical of them.
Actually that’s not at all what happened. From snopes:
“Defended an accused child rapist, then laughed about his lenient sentence.”
Because it’s obviously implied that all people considered for cabinet positions will have the ability to do the job. No one has ever advocated that unqualified women be handed positions (much as unqualified men are sometimes handed positions by their friends and family members.)
I am a supporter of whomever is the democratic nominee, because I don’t want the country going backwards in time the way it will with a Republican president. I don’t have any stipulations on who has to be the VP.
Don’t worry; reddit is already having a collective meltdown over it.
That is a bullshit thinly veiled excuse for sexism.
“Well, I am going to have a Cabinet that looks like America”
No, baby, keep the mask on. I’m a progressive.
And watery tarts lobbing swords.
I think I’d probably go with “ Cops Attempt Rescue” in the title. They got in there and gave it a shot, but without a boat and proper equipment they’d be putting themselves in a ton of danger.
This is why every Bernie or bust asshole can kiss my ass. These laws will keep getting passed and we need a court to over turn then.