
“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“

Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal

I am confused as to what your thought process was that caused you to determine this was bullshit. Humans indeed cannot be meaningfully divided into races - we’re a clinal species, with gradual variation according to geographic circumstance. You can take one specific trait - say, skin color - and try to define a race

I love FTL, but if I were on stage I would have been confused by “gaming app.” Makes it sound like a utility for video gamers or something.

“Based on the current polls, if Sanders beats Clinton, he wins the general election by a wide margin.”

Well, there’s your problem: current polls about an election that takes place nine months from now are completely meaningless. Sanders has been getting consistently positive media coverage as the independent upstart

“The goal with my career has never been to be controversial, but unfortunately some people get offended by honesty.”

I just pulled an eye-rolling muscle...

“Someone giving EVERYTHING to charity makes their greed look bad and thus playing lottery look bad as well.”

I used to be a “head is for Clinton, heart is for Sanders” Democrat until I read this:

Relatedly, many black progressives have well-founded criticisms of Sanders’s platform on race - only after the #blacklivesmatter protest did he add something about police violence and incarceration, and has yet to address structural impediments in black economic well-being. His platform is still a Moynihan-style

“Not to be a broken record on this stuff: Deep Blue is amazing at chess. But it doesn’t play chess like a human being....this is technically impressive, but once again it doesn’t meaningfully advance what a lot of people think about when they think of AI.”

If White Privilege II included the lyrics “me being white allowed me to steal Kendrick’s Grammy,” I might have given it more careful consideration. #stillbitter

Whaaaat? Curse of Monkey Island is fantastic and hilarious. Escape From Monkey Island was certainly tone-deaf, but don’t rag on CoMI just because Ron Gilbert wasn’t involved.

And Curse of Monkey Island below Maniac Mansion is just...weird.

Actually, dogs can do vegetarianism fairly easily - eggs, beans, rice, and vitamins isn’t a bad deal for a dog. Domesticated dogs are omnivores, having evolved to eat basically whatever the humans left over, and can synthesize proteins as well as we can.

Not necessarily - what “underrated” often means is that critics *at the time* thought the work was good, but didn’t realize how great it was until much later, if at all. This is because critics are people and often get swept up in hype, at the expense of lesser-known works. Often it takes a bit of time to digest

A lot of people have fun playing with a game’s engine, seeing what they can get away with, etc, and those glitches are very precisely timed. This isn’t about “how quickly you can play a fun game of FO3” so much as “what does FO3 technically let you get away with?” It’s sort of like playing a German/Czech/etc simulator

Ugh, ridiculous gamers with their modern choices. Crash Bandicoot? Chrono Trigger?

Boxing Day: The Gloves Come Off

SPOILER ALERT: In Fallout 6, a quest to defuse a giant atomic bomb goes horribly awry (scripted event), blowing a giant hole in the Earth and creating a second moon.

The scene in Ratatouille with the actual ratatouille remains one of the most moving things I’ve ever seen in a movie, and the rest of the film was nearly as good.