
Oh for sure. And, my friends and I would spend countless afternoons doing each others make up, flipping through magazines, messing with our hair, going to tanning salons, bitching about our weight and skin. Beauty obsession is common at that age. I think the less common thing is the projection of it to the rest of the

I guess I am one of the "olds" that sees constant selfies and image curation, for zero purpose other than to project oneself as "something" to the world as really self centered and superficial, even if the person doing it is a genuinely sweet and nice person. I certainly would not have been immune to thinking I'm the

I graduated high school in 04, and I am SO GLAD social media wasn't a thing. AIM and Xynga were the only norms, but it wasn't something any of us spent an inordinate amount on, because it was only used to communicate with each other, not put something out there for the world to see, like or not like, follow etc. I

It's not the big ass part. It's the size 2 waist, the lack of love handles and sticks for arms. We're all supposed to just believe this is how she's built and haters should step to the left.

I think it goes deeper too. She is so ubiquitous, and is in a position to be more body positive, and she goes in the complete

So is Jezebel going to offer a reward for unphotoshopped versions of this cover too? Seems kind of hypocritical not to, don't you think? Or is that only on the table for women you think should do more to combat sexism/classism/racism, and since no one expects much from Kim K, we should all just shrug and say "good for

My grandmother was basically Olive Kitteridge and my whole mother's side is this type of Mainer. Small town, no nonsense people who tend to perceive many genuine issues as weakness or laziness; but who also have a soft spot for certain things (animals, babies, the environment, general hatred of social conservatives).

Yeah — unless it's hard and inside me, I don't really care about dick. Does that make me a bad straight lady?

I live in CA and I didn't vote — I thought I was still absentee, but the deadline passed and I looked up my registration since I moved and it said it was not found — even though I voted two years ago? Anyway, I refuse to take the blame for the red states staying red. My will to vote died a little bit inside when we

It's sad this article even has to be written.

Learning to cook and keeping a full pantry and freezer is key, in my opinion. I have a bit of a feast or famine salary (commission sales) so when times are good I buy 2-3x the chicken, fish, ground turkey, bacon, frozen veggies and fruit I normally would and freeze what I'm not immediately using. I always have a

Even the "you'll see one day when you make a decent income" argument is bullshit. Half of my paycheck is gone by the time I see it. HALF. I don't blame the poors and the brown people and the libruls and the women and the aborshuns and the Obamacare. I blame foreign wars we insist on involving ourselves in and rich

I copied and pasted this comment from the article I think Kara is countering. I realize it might be too analytical and therefore, basic, but it does ring true to how certain women (regardless of race) present themselves to the world. Emphasis, mine.

The only basic bitches I know are my ex boyfriends' new girlfriends. They are always hella basic.


Cosigned. I swear by Thomas Keller's Roast Chicken, and his french gnocchi.

Totally — I had to dig out tanks back in my cellar rat days. Great triceps, bad lightheadedness. We had to wear gas masks and used the buddy system in case one of us passed out. We did our own punchdowns, but they were open top fermenters, so it wan't so bad.

There's only dead things in shitty wines like YellowTail

My job itself isn't my passion, but my industry is (wine). I've had jobs I didn't like that were related to wine all to build a resume, but at every job I made sure I left knowing more than when I walked in. It helped me zero in on what I'd like to do within the industry, and make a real living doing it. No, it's not

A definite win for the ladies, for sure.

Also there is to be absolutely no cellulite.

I've used the Rent the Runway a couple of times for some super fancy black tie events I where had no business being otherwise, and while it's a cool idea, I'm not all that impressed. I agree with you — if you're not a size 2 with perfect proportions, you have to rent several dresses at once to find one that will work.