The level of fuckery that Terry Richardson exhibits is just beyond comprehension — sorry he was one of many men who treated you terribly throughout your life. I'm awed by your resilience, and thanks for your piece.
The level of fuckery that Terry Richardson exhibits is just beyond comprehension — sorry he was one of many men who treated you terribly throughout your life. I'm awed by your resilience, and thanks for your piece.
Second fave: "Yeah? Well I want a Pina Colada and a smoke but you don't see that on the menu!!"
Rosa is everything.
Ah, yes Farrah. The curse of celebrated literary figures everywhere: remembering that spelling is important.
Good to know! My ex bf used Dollar Shave club and I assumed it was all the crappy, triple blade man stubble kind. I like my 5 blade pivoting razor. I'll check it out!
I use generic aloe vera gel to shave. I used to get red and bumpy from using shaving cream — aloe vera takes care of that and my skin feels/looks better. I'm convinced it keeps my razors sharper longer, too. (Yes, I do shell out for the Venus cartridges, but I'm waiting with bated breath for the women's dollar shave…
I respect what Rihanna represents (unabashed sexuality on her terms) but I would rather listen to FanMail any day of the week than whatever the fuck over-produced auto tuned album RiRi is shilling these days.
My former roommate and an old co worker were both an NFL Cheerleaders for a few seasons and that's exactly how it was regarded. Most of the women on the team were either employed full time (my friends were a teacher and a nurse, respectively) or they were in grad school. As far as I know, they both were treated really…
"I think it's more of a problem, culturally, when celebrities won't ADMIT to plastic surgery. Because many of them are touted as "natural beauties," and surely they are, but their looks are not all Mother Nature no matter how much we'd like to believe people that perfect exist."
So. Much. This.
It's a double edged…
I think the number is net. So it means really, if $75,000 is your "happy income," salary should be around $100,000/year.
I never pay full price for clothes, unless it's jeans or shoes. I know it's terrible of me, but I just have been burned so many times paying full price and seeing the same damn thing marked down a couple of months later and it's too late for price adjustments. And lately, when it comes to dresses and shirts, I rarely…
If I started having a high level of disposable income, once I paid off my credit card and got some savings/Roth IRA/investments stuff in order, I'd probably go nuts for a couple of months buying stuff I've been coveting, but couldn't justify (new mattress, nice bedding, new TV, and revamp my "basics" with better…
If I ever get married I'm doing courthouse and a big party at my favorite restaurant with my favorite wines and people and a playlist my fiancée and I chose ourselves. I might splurge on a kick ass photographer for a couple of hours so I can have something to remember the day, but if I can avoid the wedding industrial…
Double post! Gah!
You say the images are used to shame the men for their actions, like it's a bad thing. It's humiliating as a women to be objectified; it does guys like this some good to get a dose of their own medicine.
Facebook-stalking general assholes from my past doesn't turn up anything juicy, but makes me feel really smug. My life my not be perfect, but at least I'm not stuck in my loserville hometown using social media to try to get my friends to buy into an HerbalLife pyramid scheme.