
You know, I think the book I'm thinking of was set in Chicago in the 70s! I see what you're saying there. I think that attitude is very urban. I've had way more issues with people questioning me for being mixed in the urban north. The south is horrible and racist and shitty, but there's kind of an, "we're all

I'm african american and italian, and I think that italian families are a bit more accepting of little mixed children running around. but i have only ever had issues with kids trying to question my blackness, which I just turn into ragging until someone pushes me too far, then I just give 'em a stare. no one is

Exactly. Fuck that noise.

just know that there have always been mixed people, especially in America, and that all black Americans have non-African blood. I am mixed race, but so is my entire black family. My great great grandfather was half white, too. His father owned his mother.

I'm mixed race

I feel like so much of life is, "This rule exists because people refuse to be sensible"

I dislike Carmen Carrera so, so much. I fuck with her work for the trans community but I've come across her being racist and sexist multiple times. Lacking privilege doesn't mean you get to drag other disadvantaged groups.

I understand the struggle. My written vocabulary far outstrips my spoken vocabulary simply because English and French orthographies suck and there's no way for me to figure out how things are pronounced.

Bru-sket-tuh (Americanized as "bru-shet-uh" because the c/ch sounds are reversed in Italian and English)

I'm also not huge into sandwiches. I only ever crave grilled cheeses and sometimes BLTs, but I think that's an umami tomato/bacon thing. I also used to eat pickle and cream cheese sandwiches because I'm disgusting. But generally my reaction to sandwiches is on this scale:

My mom always told me not to ever, ever use pepper spray, because it spreads, and even the tiniest gust of air can result in you getting the faceful of mace.

I have weird a weird facial quasi dysmorphia...and that totally makes sense

They make...ketchup...what...

I think neither of them does...anything, really. Except show us that if we're ok with crafting a public persona forged in the male gaze, we can be powerful and rich. We can only achieve their "empowerment" through our bodies and our perceived sexual availability, and they try to avoid being seen in any way that

But what about that weird, quasi-pizza smell? It smells like a meatball hero should smell, but nothing in the damn store tastes like it!

This is why I have never liked Beyonce as a personality. She can sing and dance her ass off, but I cannot with her ironies.

Am I the only one who finds Rihanna really...uncool? Her brand of "coolness" always struck me as really adolescent and it weirds me out when adults are into her. It's very try hard. I remember when S&M came out and my more challenged friends where all, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT REALLY MEANS?!?!" and I was like

There's no way they're not the same thing at a Subway-level restaurant. That said, I don't buy "pizza sauce" because other than a pizzeria's special blend...there is no such thing.

It's like a shrubber

I am laughing so hard