
But now you have me imagining all the cast sitting around enjoying a nice meal as they recap the show. I prefer Eating Hannibal. But then again, don't we all?

I was seriously rooting for him to show her his furniture collection.

In addition to that, he's become as established as a secondary character can get. Who also happens to be related to several of the primary characters in this season, where they've spent plenty of time fleshing out their connections. So I'm just not picking up on it this time around, personally.

I'm trying to fathom poor Whovian's quest to downvote all these hashtags…time to get the turbo mouse out!

I'm looking forward to seeing Tommy in action now, just because whether he CAN do something or not doesn't matter. At the end of the day, the people getting hugged just need to believe it works.

Classic Tommy…

Kill it! Kill it!

I can always listen to No Doubt. All of it. Then again, I pretty much like everything in every genre…so I'm obviously pretty easy to please.

I haven't begun sifting through everyone else's comments just yet, but wanted to rant that RB4 is nothing like it's predecessors in the worst ways.
There is no longer a set list option. I just want to keep repeating that over and over because of how baffling it is. You can't build a set list anymore. How does that amp

I would have been begging for a bulldozer to drive in the opposite direction of the hoard and meet them on the road. It's loud. It has a horn if needed, and since a large portion of these guys were pretty soggy, I doubt the bulldozer would have been bogged down. And in the event it was, I'd just chill for a while with

^ You can find this true story in the non-fiction section of your local library.

I'm clearly getting old. The only thing I can think about in this entire article is why that outlet in the top picture is so damn crooked. THANKS RAPTOR.

I was just day dreaming about how Seven was the turning point for me in how I watched movies and almost immediately scrolled down to this.
I was still pretty young (13) and this was the one that showed me that a movie could be a bit more.
After Seven, when I re watched things from further back, I saw them different as

Wildcats…. *peohhh*

I liked Lily's hair. It was very subtle Bride of Frankenstein.

I suspect he turned last night (Roper) and caused a nice little murder scene. Perfect for him to possibly get framed for the Inn murders.

I find nothing "edge" about this! Now an upper case "E"…. THERE'S EDGE!

Whoa man. I wasn't picking nits. And either I'm currently reading you wrong, or you read me wrong. I loved the DD scene way more. But both are top notch. I thought I was adding to your thought AND also saying that they can't be compared.

I hear one in four countries have the herpes. So… SOMEBODY in this room has it. Just sayin'

Yeah, there's a bit of difference between doing tumbles and pointing a fake gun and an entire CQC fight scene involving your legs being where your head use to be.
AoS relied a bit more on the nifty camera work.
Both scenes are awesome, but apples and oranges to me.