
We have enough wildfires!

I'm doing a rewatch and of course, a reread of the reviews here and picked up on this as well. I also wonder if there is a connection between Chris' wife being Jackie Kennedy (so to speak) and his girl in vegas being Heidi Fleiss. Nothing to mind boggling, just a simple nod.

I'm doing a rewatch and of course, a reread of the reviews here and picked up on this as well. I also wonder if there is a connection between Chris' wife being Jackie Kennedy (so to speak) and his girl in vegas being Heidi Fleiss. Nothing to mind boggling, just a simple nod.

Yeah, I mean, I'm relatively easy to please when it comes to Buffy, but I'll be doing a 5th rewatch at some point this year and still enjoy this season as a whole. And I really liked The First. Conversations with Dead People was awesome, and the intro you mentioned.

The obstacles are in their hearts Cirion….in their hearts.

Still waiting for Speed 3: Autopilot. If they drop below a certain altitude they explode!!! I would watch the shit out of that. As long as Keanu/Sandra come back of course.

My first son's name is Xander Tiberius and my second is James Archer…it took four years to wear her down…so just start early!

Yeah, I'm loving it, and not demanding answers by episode 5, so I just skimmed it and went to the comments!

I was playing around on the discoverwestworld website, and in the user agreement, it states they get to keep all bodily fluids for their purpose. Gross, but something you could definitely use to help recreate people if need be.

Something I've noticed since the earlier reviews is the reviewer seems to be demanding answers and payoff. Sure…I'll expect such things at the end of the season, or by the middle of season 2, but this is episode 5 man. And again, the reviewer has been wanting answers for the past few weeks. I prefer it to give me time

Poor Anderson Cooper…in the middle of all those tweets.

I always loved this guy and what he could throw in a panel. You could always tell what was going on.
Great style.

You hit several nails on the head here Beema. Particularly when the "friend" kept rushing white hat through everything after telling him the best part is discovery. Exactly like that person we know that rushed us through a game here or there.

I just watched this episode and took that in as well. Love the diversity that this show keeps bringing in. Refreshing.

I would watch that so hard.

The entire series taking place at sea. The final shot: A mass in the distance. Could it be land? Fade to black before you let the viewers know.

I mean…whatever. He's going to have 15 minutes of screen time at most?

The Lord of Light has a plan! What you say? I dunno. I'm an old gods guy myself!

"Aw man, but I just got to Braavos!"

Well, Catelyn started the war of the five kings by taking Tyrion. With that being said, Littlefinger manipulated her into doing that, let alone manipulated Lady Arryn into killing her husband, the Hand of the King, which is what started everything.
If he doesn't die, Robert doesn't make a visit to Winterfell.