Right? Is this a thing?
Right? Is this a thing?
I tried vegetarian and I felt like shit. And gained weight. Carbs. Couldn’t go full out vegan.
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Two months isn’t a tremendously long time, and I can see your mom’s point, but if it’s something YOU need, don’t negate that. I wish you the best!
Take this for what you will but... I was ‘with’ a guy for almost 9 years. We lived about an hour or so apart. We were tremendously compatible, but he was a bit younger than I was. I knew it was a good/great match, but figured he needed a little time. After a while, I would get frustrated by a lack of commitment and…
Yep, we planned to put together a playlist, were told to bring our own wireless speakers. But then Baby is a Construct decided to arrive one month early and we were caught unprepared.
My bestie made me an iPod playlist called (Pie-pie) Pops One Out. Sample songs included “push it”, “misery business”, “ring of fire”, etc. It was delightful and kept my mind off of the fact I had to push a watermelon out of my hooha. Definitely recommend.
Our baby has yet to show a marked preference for Run the Jewels (we were obsessed with it in the last months before she was born), but who knows? She certainly responds to my voice, and she heard me give lectures roughly 12 hours a week for 3 months.
I’m not going to judge, my labor playlist was basically going to just be Lemonade, some Fleetwood Mack, and “Eye of the Tiger.” Too bad I went into labor during the Lady Gaga halftime show, and feared I was going to give birth while the Super Bowl trophy ceremony was playing in the E.R. So few people actually get to…
Good for you! Never be afraid to ask for what you want and deserve. You sound like a catch and he should be stoked you want to be exclusive! Happy dating, friend!
if he did had relations with a Borderline, rest assured she did everything possible to mess him over. Borderlines trash and burn down everyone around them out of the rage in their heart over their past hurts that made them that way. Look up some symptoms and you’ll see kind of what he went through, and why that might…
It’s a waste of time. If he was really interested, he’d be trying a lot harder. Look, I am an Old, and the one thing I have learned in my time is that literally the most sadness I’ve had in my life has been because of my choice of guys who didn’t want to be with me enough, and me making excuses for it. It keeps…
That sounds... complicated. I think it’s probably worth talking to him but be prepared you may not get what you want and you’ll have to cut and run. That’s always the hardest part for me, personally.
That’s even worse.
Stop asking. Just change the status (if it’s a downgrade to the status like the FWB). Also, if he were interested, you’d have a clear sign by now or he’d be doing the asking. It’s for the best to cut the ties and free yourself up to meet someone who’s on the same page.
I’m not saying this to be mean, but his lack of effort is telling you what his mouth isn’t. You’ll be a lot happier in life if you learn to judge people on their actions, not their words. Unless you truly don’t GAF about things like self-respect. Please excuse the blunt words, but this has been true for me.
No cats; I’m allergic.
I had to give it a second look, it has a certain charm and the detailing is pretty.
Say Yes to Distress
The neckline is beautiful.