Says who? You? LOL... of course they CAN do that. You might not like it, but that’s not gonna stop them.
Says who? You? LOL... of course they CAN do that. You might not like it, but that’s not gonna stop them.
Honda has a real problem when it comes to making things that people actually want. Most everything they have made was extremely sound engineering, solid reliability, and true to concept.
You must really live out there if it takes three weeks. I can get 2 hour delivery and I’m not even in a big city.
Nonsense. New pedestrian impact rules make sure that the truck will never be the cause of pedestrian deaths, they won’t die until their skulls shatter on the pavement like an egg seconds later.
Back in 2007, when the 5.7 V8 came out, 381 hp, 401 tq, circa 2007, that was the most powerful truck engine you could get.
Back in 2007, when the 5.7 V8 came out, 381 hp, 401 tq, circa 2007, that was the most powerful truck engine you could get.
I don’t get why this keeps coming up. Most people who happen to be gay don’t look any different than the rest of us, so anyone could be gay and it wouldn’t make any difference to a superhero story. The vast majority of gay people don’t LOOK gay, they look normal because being gay doesn’t make you special. Looking gay…
White people don’t give a shit. I bet no one actually gives a shit if the writing is good. If they try to subvert the audience expectations of a beloved cartoon, then everyone’s going to hate it and then assholes will scream racism.
Ohio: the State people can’t wait to leave.
People may be crazy some of the time in Florida, but Ohio is downright depressing all of the time. The weather is abysmal, and the sky is always gloomy. Even Florida man wouldn’t want to be associated with Ohio.
Isn’t this about getting cheap points over people you don’t like by using terms like woke, triggered, or whatever else? Its always a cheap shot. Calling someone woke means you think they are an assuming asshole, regardless what it really may have meant before.
That’s the way I read it. I posted the whole bill in this thread, so I assume you just skipped over my post in a hurry to tell me I’m wrong.
Honestly, they could have done a much better job writing the law, too much ambiguity. I assume the law is to prevent someone from being prosecuted who tries to idle through the crowd, gets attacked, and hits the gas by accident. However, it will be used by some asshole who feels justified to just run right over people.
Hopefully it will age so poorly these laws change.
Your obvious disdain of small towns is the reason they hate people who live in cities.
I didn’t say it was right, I said it was the law now.
Doesn’t apply if you are blocking a public road. Read the bill, its pretty detailed that the person blocking traffic has to pay for all damage, property damage, medical bills, lost work, emotional distress. Literally everything they can throw at someone for standing in the street.
I didn’t say it was right, I said it was the law now.
I didn’t say it was right, I said it was the law now.