
I think you are smoking some good stuff if you think apple service is actually good. Its expensive, and you just don’t like making decisions so Apple is the easy choice. You can get a brand new pixel 4a or 5 for $350 bucks, which is probably cheaper than the apple service and god knows its takes forever and no way in

You know he is probably right. The media over there is vicious. He probably blames them in part for his mother’s death. It must be fun to play soldier, I seriously doubt he was ever in any real danger.  Probably wasn’t even his choice, everything was decided for him.

Head on collisions aren’t what makes the tesla auto pilot so advanced.

Doesn’t everyone have spotify by now?

yikes did your comments get dark regarding Kate.

There is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom, its a luxury these days if your family can afford it. However, comparing Kate to a self made millionaire in Megan... its not a fair comparison. Megan has accomplished everything that Kate accomplished AND she is a self made millionaire. No one is calling them bad

I really think they shot themselves in the foot with Megan. They could have treated her like the princess she was and at the very least it would have made the outdated monarchy slightly more relevant in this modern world. Instead they were too good for the woman Harry chose.  They looked down on her and showed the

You don’t really think he did anything slightly dangerous do you?  Lets be honest, he was playing in a very safe place while the real soldiers did the dangerous stuff.

Afraid of successful women? Queen Elizabeth says hi.

An electric roadster that does 0-60 in under 2 seconds is both pointless and a giant waste of money.

Someone please explain to me why anyone would want to be Prince Harry in the role they think he should play. He gets nothing, he inherits nothing, he gets nothing from the House of Windsor, he only inherits from his mother’s estate.

We have a system for this, its call bankruptcy. If I had a bill 8x my salary, I would declare bankruptcy. If they haven’t, then they should be able to afford it.  If this is just an error, then it will be settled before it goes to court.  

No one would be bitching about it being called Mustang if it was attractive, instead of looking like a mustang that ate itself into morbid obesity.

That’s where they got you! They have subverted your beliefs and are selling a basic car as a luxury car. Its not revolutionary, its Steve Jobs thinking. Apple has been selling the exact same hardware, processors, etc, that would cost $500 for a PC but because it has an Apple logo its $2000. The only thing that makes

Is this any worse than the high wasted trend that just won’t die and looks absolutely terrible on anyone not 5'11 and size 0?

How long till we see trailers with their own Diesel Generators to alleviate the range and provide on site power for construction jobs?

As long as he doesn’t look back at them.

As long as he doesn’t look back at them.

Masks are pointless if you are vaccinated. The CDC and the President has said so. Masks protect other people from the unvaccinated, at no point has anyone every suggested that they protect the wearer.

You want South Florida to vote for a democrat then you need to expunge the words socialism and communism from the democrat party. Every time they bring up socialism they think of Cuba and Venezuela. You can’t win with those words, but leftist from the Northeast think they are good words and won’t stop using them.