Story of electric 7 without gratuitous electric motor shot is a big mood killer.
Story of electric 7 without gratuitous electric motor shot is a big mood killer.
I guess I’m saying there’s nothing ‘flawed’ about the DCT in like, a consipiratory way
Other than the VW, you are listing high dollar very high price cars that come with these DCTs. I think reliability isn’t relevant if you are buying a Ferrari. Lets be honest, those are only for posers anyway. Real car guys that happen to be rich buy Porsches or McLarens. lol Anyway, McLaren has an indefinite extended…
Personally, I think DCTs were/are a really stupid idea. They lack the connected feeling of a manual and the smoothness of a slushbox automatic. Automatics have gotten much more efficient in recent years and the fuel economy savings of a DCT over a slushbox aren’t there anymore. All the luxury car providers have…
I respectfully disagree. If you can’t afford an EV without an incentive from the government, maybe you shouldn’t buy one. However, I think you should buy whatever you want if you have the disposable income. Also, we don’t know the ownership cost of a taycan until it gets old enough and we see the actual resale values.…
Can’t haul trash in a cargo van, it turns to a shitbox way too fast. I had 1x2s to raise up a 4x8 sheet of plywood in the back to make a loading surface higher than the seat brackets. Good for hauling CLEAN stuff, but trucks are good at hauling dirty stuff.
I think you misunderstood my point. I like EVs, I think they are great. They do not, in any conceivable way, cost less to own/operate than comparable gasoline alternatives and the resale values are worse after warranty.
How is it that MicroShit literally crashes computers with shit updates and they FORCE you to update the system. What a fucked up world in which you have no control over the stability of the machine you literally need to do your job.
EVs are terrible investments if you aren’t buying them for bragging rights. Look at me, I have lots of disposable income and can afford to waste it on a Porsche/Mercedes/Tesla. THAT is the market for EVs, not economy. Its never been worth it to buy an EV to SAVE money. Its about bragging rights, no more.
There is a chasm between the American Engineering by budget and German engineering by design. Yes, they could have put in some form of manual shifting with buttons, paddles, or make it downshift automatically when the driver screamed in panic, anything would have been better than being completely helpless to terrible…
Honestly, because it will cost too much money. This is the only DRY dual clutch I know about. VW, Hyundai, etc are all WET clutches. The clutches are in fluid to keep the cool. The DSP6 is a cheap design and it shows.
Terrible shifting was only part of the issue. The computer often gets confused and gets stuck in neutral sometimes. This is absolutely terrifying if you are crossing traffic at a light or something and suddenly your car has zero power for what is probably two or three seconds but it feels like a lifetime.
Nothing is less reliable than the 2011-2016 Ford Fiesta/Focus that has the Dry Dual Clutch transmission. (Which is just about all of them!)
You are an idiot. I have never had trouble getting a contract with a VIN from a dealership. Most times its small dealerships, most times they big city dealerships refuse because they are assholes. Every time I have purchased a NEW car sight unseen after getting a contract with the VIN, making a deposit, and having it…
I keep telling people this, but they never comprehend. The more unions get involved in Leftist politics, the less working people trust them. If there were unions based in Southern states with no ties to New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles then there is no doubt that they would have joined that kind of Union. Unions…
Polo shirts are impossible to divorce from their longstanding reputation as the uniform of drunken frat boys and Republican golfers.
So you watched this guy’s youtube a month after everyone else, then summarized it?
70. Pops bought it new, technically its his, but I tag/garage/maintain it for when he’s ready to cruise. The only thing it needs is a 6 speed. I think the odometer rolled over when I was a little kid. No idea on the miles, it only goes to 100k. I’ve been working on this car since I could walk.
I’m exempt from all rocket 350 criticism, I just changed the mechanical fuel pump on mine last week. lol
Make sure your pool/geography is compatible with draining, if your soil is too moist it will pop that pool right out of the ground, destroy it, and set you back with a GIANT repair bill in the tens of thousands of dollars.