
“Because I don’t want kids”

While I’m a big fan of lowering emissions we need to focus on the real issue here, weight. We need to start taxing new vehicles over 2 tons incrementally every year forever. If you choose to drive a large heavy vehicle, then you deserve to pay for the privilege of it. This should be ratcheted down incrementally over

LOL, the S10s rusted away long ago, now the only remnants are a ton of Ford Rangers and every toyota ever made because they just won’t die.

If they are making the Blazer in Mexico are they making the Mexican SUV in Detroit?

The last mile is still the issue. No one will ride it. They tried to put a high speed rail from LA to Vegas and they found out that they could only put the hub in Happy Valley, not in the actual population center of LA. If you are only saving 90 minutes on a 5 hour drive to Vegas, is it really worth the hassle of

There is hope in automated vehicles though. An electric bus with functional autopilot can provide the same benefits as a train. We could also embed nodes in the roads to guide the systems, or who knows what else. There is no reason to believe we can’t move to a more effect and automated system. We just have to leave

Other smaller countries have it figured out

Because 800k isn’t that much to begin with. Because those are structured rebates that have metrics that must be met. Because there will be a lot of jobs and a lot of money building runways and a 56000 facility. Because Orlando’s small executive airport is already extremely busy. Because Orlando International moves 50

Is Kanye actually crazy? Or is he a savant with the media and keeping us interested enough that he can profit off advertisers? You know the Kardashians know how to milk the media, why is he any different?

Why? Because case law precedent in Family court is so completely fucked up that anything rational or measured doesn’t apply. Pray to God you are never subject to a Family court judge who can and will do literally whatever the hell they want with your life.

Tesla’s don’t have engines.  They have electric motors.  How much better can Ferrari engineer an electric motor that has been around since 1834.  They will just paint it red and charge you 20x what its worth.

That leans the right direction for someone like me that doesn’t want a car to just be a shitty, slow teleporter appliance.

So what? The only people doing multiple dragstrip runs in electric cars are magazines or weekend track warriors. No one else is going to push it to the max. The sad reality is that 99.99% of the smelly old fucks who can afford Ferraris aren’t even going to drive them the speed limit. They will be the assholes blocking

Electric motors are extremely simple.  Its like a rotary engine, but with even less accessories.  The motor itself should become commoditized and be universal across the board.  Just drop it in.  If you don’t have intake, exhaust, etc to route, then you just need a cooling inlet, power connector, and mounts.

Explain to me how Ferrari, which is a car company that sells mostly apparel and does licensing while actively attempting to sell less cars, will differentiate electric cars? Every car will be just as fast. Hell, a Tesla family sedan spanks the most expensive Ferrari engines on all numbers.

The irony is that the only reason we have the shit throwing Orangutan is because Clinton’s shady underhanded backroom deals and her theft of the nomination. She stole the DNC a long time ago, f0rcing Obama to turn his back on it completely. There are some terrific female candidates who are extremely qualified and we

This just means that the teams with the highest paid drivers will have less money for development.  The highest paid drivers are probably winning more, so this adds an additional layer of weight to the best performing teams, but this will come into effect more heavily in time after inflation takes its toll.

Your ballot takes a day or two to arrive. Its not going across the country, its staying inside the same county where you mail it and where you live. This fear mongering is only to prevent you from voting. All this nonsense about sorting machines has nothing to do with local mail. Plus the post office is probably

Hillary Clinton is the single most disliked politician in recent history. She is extremely guarded, she never answers questions, she lacks any visible passion, and she is absolutely the worst public speaker of any prominent politician.

Wow, seriously? You haven’t gotten tested? Are you cowering in your basement? Humans are social beings, we don’t do well without interactions. Go donate some blood, they will test you for free and you will be helping to save lives. Then you can stop cowering in fear and go back out into the world.