
Because domesticated animals have viruses that are well known and for the most part don’t cause problems in the human population. Eating wild animals brings us in contact will all kinds of unknown viruses and there for increases the risk factor exponentially.

So, you are saying it is absolutely accurate to say the virus is caused by “Chinese culture”. I guess you can be correct AND racist. Also, is it racist to blame all of America’s ills on “white culture”?

Where is the $1000 a month going to come from? All the taxes not being paid by the people who don’t have jobs?

Paying loans back that you agreed to pay back is “contributing to the economy”.

“Oppression of student loan debt”? So letting someone willingly decide to borrow money for something (and agree to pay it back) is “oppression”? This is bad thinking.

Why the fuck would we cancel loans that people willingly decided to take out and agreed to pay back (most likely for their stupid gender studies degree)? And you suggest I should pay back someone else’s loan so they can buy an Xbox or sneakers? Perhaps I need that money to pay for my child’s food. Pure idiocy. Nothing

Carlos Danger?

Biden said he would pick a female running mate by having a group of women lay down naked with their legs open. He will toss ping-pong balls at them until one of them catches it in her vagina and that person will be the nominee.

What ‘government departments’ would have been prepared for this event? It appears no country on the planet was prepared.

Once again, it seems you guys are accusing Trump for something he might do in some demented imagined future you concocted. I mean, how many predictions about Trump did you get wrong? He won’t win the nomination...He won’t win the presidency...He will start World War III...He is a Russian agent...etc. It seems that if

It actually isn’t a bad idea. Perhaps you need to re-evaluate every single thing you believe in life.

So. you admit you are an uncontrollably violent psychopath.

You make money that way.

“Strongest candidate”...LOL

You admit Biden is an a mentally compromised state, so you are saying he is completely unfit for office.

Tulsi may be gone, but guess who is back...

So it is totally normal and acceptable to call a virus by the place of origin for everyone unless Trump does it then it is evil and racist? Is that how it works?

No one really gives a shit about micro-, midi-, and mega-aggressions though.

That pasts the smell test in the Trump administration.

Don’t you think it is the Democrats who hate elections? They are the ones who made up the “Russia Collusion” hoax and the fake impeachment that wasted our time and kept us from focusing on real threats (like pandemics). It seems they are the ones who are trying to overturn and invalidate elections.